Chapter 8 ♡

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"Okay so from now on Cath your study partner will be David and Andrea your study partner will be Jason" After our teacher said that my eyes widened well ummmm... I guess it's okay to study with this boy....
I looked at Jason and he just smirked

After class was finally over Jason touched my hair and messed it up
"Guess I'll be going to your house then" he said
"Mmm" i replied and removed his hands on my hair
He grabbed his bag and said "Let's go"
I nodded and grabbed my bag too Claire said that I should go first since she's the one who will go to her study buddies house

Jason and I left school and we just walked to get to my house while we were waking he was talking so much I guess we kinda got close he was so talkative while walking unlike David

Finally we arrived home
I opened the door and shouted
"Mom! Mom! "
I saw mom coming out of the kitchen
"Why?.... Oh I see you brought a friend" she said after seeing Jason
Jason smiled and waved at mom
"Hi ma'am Im Jason"he said
"Oh hi there oh sit down im making something im sure you'll like it" she said

We both sat down and mom left to finish what she's cooking
The two of us saw Adrian walking to us
"Huh? Who is he where's David?" He asked
Jason looked at me and smiled
"Hi Im Jason wanna be friends?" He said with a sweet tone

"Oh hi! " he replied to Jason
I heard Adrian whisper to himself
"I like David more"
Gosh this kid
He went upstairs to probably play
Jason and I placed our things at the table and started studying

After some time my mom came back with foods
"Here Jason eat this im sure you'll love it" my mom said while placing the foods down at the table
"Mmmm smells good" he said and smiled
"It doesn't only smell good it tastes good too" i said
He laughed "Okay lets find out if your a liar or not" he replied... Tsk this guy

We both ate and after were done
"Mmm that was so delicious ma'am" he said
"See now was i lying earlier" i asked him
"Nope"he answered
After were done eating we studied a little bit more until it got late
"Hey Im going home now it's late" he said
"K" i answered and nodded I called mom and she immediately walked to us

"Your going now?" She asked
Jason nodded "Yes ma'am it's already getting late"he said
"Oh ok sure" my mom replied
He was about to leave when it started raining like it started raining out of nowhere

"I think there's a typhoon" my mom said
"Fuck" i heard him whispered
"Oh ummm.... Jason stay here for some time let's wait until it stop" my mom suggested
"Mm" he replied and nodded he went back and sat besides me
We were just both looking at the window where it's raining

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