Chapter 12 ♡

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"Gosh are you that excited huh?" I heard and I saw a boy's hand in front of me

When I looked at the guy who's talking.... It was... Jason....

"Are you that excited to dance with me tonight?" He said
Gosh this boy is so darn annoying
I stood up and didn't take his hand
"Hmmm I guess you don't want my hand then" he said cutely
A lot of girls are looking at us specially at me

"Gosh that girl"
"Is she flirting with Jason"
"She's such a flirt"
I heard those words and a lot more
But I didn't mind them... Then I heard Jason said "just ignore them their just jealous"
I just nodded and smiled then we continued to walk

We got to our classroom and it was so noisy there
"Oh hey Rea come here" i heard and that was from Claire
"Come here" said by Kate

I walked to them and saw Cath just sitting at her seat
Claire and Kate saw me looking at Cath

"She's been like that since we got here" Kate said
"She's always like that just ignore her" Claire said

I guess they don't like Cath that much... We all used to be best friends but nowadays Cath doesn't really really joins us

After some time our teacher came
"Okay it seems like all of you are excited" our teacher said
"Okay so there will be a competition.... So all of you will work together and decorate this classroom you and the other sections will compete together and the best classroom wins... The judges will be us teachers understood!"our teacher announced

After our teacher said that our classroom became noisy again we were all excited specially us girls

"Ahh im so excited!!! " Kate said
"Yesss me too I can't wait!" Claire said
"Me too!" I said

"Okay class quiet.. Boys help me get the decorations girls get ready" our teacher said

The boys stood up and helped our teacher get the decorations we'll use
And us girls talked to each other

After some time the boys and our teacher arrived with the decorations we'll use

Us girls looked at the decorations and started decorating....
We got some stuffs that we didn't agreed with but our classroom still looked good

After a lot of hours and sweats we finally finished decorating our classroom.... All of us were tired

We took a rest and ate....
Then the teachers came we were the last ones to be judged

The teachers looked around our classroom and I saw them whispering to each other

"Okay so all of you go outside with the other students" one teacher said

We walked outside and saw the other students

"Where are the presidents of each section?... Come here" one teacher commanded

Our class president David and the other presidents walked and stood where the teachers are

"Okay now we'll announce the winner" our teacher said
"The winner who has the best classroom is......David Williams group!!!" One teacher shouted

Our section became noisy and some of us were dancing

Me Claire and Kate were so happy and I saw that David was happy too our teacher was too!

"Congratulations" our teacher said to us
The other teachers and the other students congratulated us too

After that we all ate as a celebration
After that we did a lot of games and all of us were having fun

We participated on a lot of games and after that we realized that it's already getting kinda late

"Yes I can't wait for the dance party tonight" one of my classmates said
"Yes!" All most of all my classmates said

"Are you excited to dance with me?" I heard a voice
I almost shouted because I was shocked.... I looked at my back and saw Jason there

Gosh this boy he literally scared the shit out of me

We had a little conversation and we all got back to our classroom

"Okay class are you excited?" Our teacher said
"Yes!!! "
"Yes ma'am!!!"
All of us shouted

"Okay so change your clothes and go with your partners and follow me" our teacher ordered

We all changed our clothes and walked to our partners

"Looking good" Jason complimented me
"Thanks you too" I said
"I know I'm so handsome right" he replied and got close to me

"To close" I said
"Mmm sorry" he answered

"Okay class follow me" our teacher ordered
"Let's go" Jason said
"Oh and boys hold your partners hand" our teacher said
Our classmates laughed and some were blushing

Jason held my hand and we followed our teacher
We arrived at a huge room it's so beautiful

We saw the other sections there and other students too they all are so pretty

"Have fun" our teacher said

A music started to play

"Okay choose some tables and sit there... There will be some snacks so wait for it" our teacher said and left

Me Jason Claire and Kate with their partners sat on one table

We all talked with each other and some snacks came

Then a romantic music started to play
We saw a lot of partners stood up and danced
"Wanna dance?" Jason said

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