Chapter 14 ♡

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After Jason kissed me he hugged me tight
"It's already getting late" I said
"Okay I'll walk you home" he said and held my hand.....
He walked me to my house and my mom saw him

"Oh Jason come inside eat" My mom said
"Oh... No thank you ma'am" he said and smiled
"No! Come inside eat" my mom said
"Ah.. Well sure ma'am" he replied...

We got inside and ate
"Hey... Well ummm.... Jason... Is there something going on with you and my daughter?" My mom asked...
After she said that I kinda got nervous well I just answered him....
"Come on be honest with me... I actually want you guys to be together" My mom added

"Well mom... "
"Ummm ma'am...."
"Gosh look at you two.... Your already together right?" My mom said
I slightly nodded
"Wait! Seriously" my mom shouted
"Ah don't worry ma'am it won't be a distraction for us on studying" Jason said

"Oh sorry I kinda shouted Im just so happy.... And I know it will not be a distraction.... Jason take care of my daughter please..." My mom said
"Yes of course ma'am I will" Jason replied

"Thanks mom" I said and smiled... My mom smiled back at me and stood up and walked to me....then she hugged me
"I love you my daughter Im happy that your happy now" My mom said
Gosh Im trying hard not to cry it's not like I'm getting married or something I just got a boyfriend

"Oh and from now on Jason don't call me ma'am just call me auntie or mom" my mom said and smiled
"Thanks..... Auntie" he replied
"Hey! It's already getting late you should go home now" I said
Jason looked at his watch
"Yeah I should now bye auntie bye bab~ bye Andrea" he said tssskk this boy he almost called me baby in front of my mom....

Jason left and I went straight to bed I closed my eyes and suddenly thought of him.....Im happy with my life now.... I hope this happiness would never end.......

The next day Jason picked me up and we got to school together

Nowadays he always picks me up and we go to school together

Our classmates always teases us that were already together even are friends do and they asks if were actually already together

Claire and Kate always asks that like every single day so of course I finally answered them "Yup! We are"
"Wait WHAT!"
"Eyyy seriously omg since when"
That's the reactions I got from them

And after that the whole entire class knew they were all so happy except for some the ones who likes Jason..... Including Cath

I knew that a lot of people hated me because Jason is really really popular and a lot of girls likes him but Jason just always tells me to ignore them and that's what I always do

Some days passed of course me and Jason fights but it's nothing serious tho....that's normal for couples right?

And sometimes he joins us on dinner my whole family and him..... Now speaking of family there's this thing I've been curious of.... Jason's family

I want to ask him about that but I don't know I just can't ask him that.... So I just asked his friends

"Jason doesn't have a family.... He has no one" Drake said one of Jason's friends

"He's mother died because of illness he's father died on a car accident he doesn't have siblings nor cousins" one of his friends added

"They died when he was still so young..he lives on a apartment he works part-time jobs he lives alone"another one added

"Oh....I see thanks guys" I replied to them

"Welcome!" They all said

After I heard all of those I felt so bad for Jason.... I was walking on the hallway thinking about Jason and how sad he must've been when those things happened then I bumped into someone

Gosh why do this things always happens to me

I looked at the one I bumped to.... It was David

"Oh sorry" I apologized
"No it's okay... Is there something wrong?" He asked... I don't know why but he sounds concerned
"Oh nothing's wrong sorry again" I replied and smiled

Fast forward class was done
Jason walked me home
While we were walking.... We talked well yeah of course we talked
"Baby your so beautiful" he said
Gosh he always says that
"I know" I said
"Hmmm are you angry baby?" He asked
"Nope im not" I answered
Then he suddenly stopped walking and kissed me

"Baby it's so addicting to kiss you" he said
"Tsskk" I said
He smiled and kissed me again
"Jason stop"
"Nope I don't want to baby" he said and kissed me again

Seriously this boy tssskk
Whenever he gets close to me and kisses me I can literally die on the spot like Oh my god... Seriously he makes me blush to death

"Wanna go eat somewhere" he said and stopped kissing me
"Sure!" I said
But! Like seriously I didn't expect that we'll eat where he lives

He brought me to his apartment

━━━━━━♡♥♡━━━━━━Hope you guys like this chapter love y'all (^з^)-☆Chu!!━━━━━━♡♥♡━━━━━━

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Hope you guys like this chapter love y'all (^з^)-☆Chu!!

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