Chapter 18 ♡

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"Please Jason... please" I said to him
"No! You don't fucking know anything you know nothing about this whole darn shit so leave with that fcking man"after he said that I was so shocked I didn't expect him to say those words

"What do you mean fcking man he's your father!!!" I shouted
"You don't know anything.... That guy isn't a human he's a monster he doesn't deserve to live"
"But still he's your father!!!"

"Please stop I'll just leave"Jason's father said
"No please don't leave"I said
"Jason.... He's your father what ever happens he's your father!!!!" I shouted at him

"Why do you care.....Yeah your my girlfriend but please stay the hell out of here...stop bothering me and just leave!!!please just fcking leave" he shouted

I cried and saw that he's neighbors are looking at us

Jason closed the door... Me and his father just left

After that he didn't call me nor text me

The next day
My parents, me and his dad came to his apartment

When he opened the door he looks so tired
"Jason..." I said
"Come in" he said coldly
We walked inside and sat

My parents convinced him to talk to his father but he's still not talking to him

"Jason..... Son" his father said and repeated it multiple times
But he's still not talking to him

My parents and his father went outside and left me with Jason

"Jason.... Please... I don't know... Can... Can we... Bring back those time and were happy... You dont go to school anymore we don't watch movies anymore we..... Were not studying together anymore... Please Jason" I said all of those while crying

He's looking at the floor then suddenly looked at me and said
"Let's.... Let's... Break up"

After he said that he started to cry

"Jason.... No! Please no! Why in the world should we break up please... Jason..... Jason please no!!" I said
I walked to him and hugged him

"Get out" he said
"Jason... Why... Why? Please no... I love you" I said while crying I'm kneeling already but I kept repeating that I dont don't want to break up

"Please no! No! No! I love you please.... Please no... No! I don't want too" I shouted
"Andrea please just leave....I'll text you later just leave please" he said while crying and holding my hands

"Jason please no! We'll fix this okay" I said

My parents came and we left

I didn't want to leave him but my parents forced me too.

We got home and I'm still crying that time.

Claire and Kate came to our house Jason's friends came to his house but he isn't opening the door.

We called Jason but he isn't answering his phone.

A lot of stuffs came to my mind... What if.... What if... He committed suicide or something... What if... I don't fucking know anymore.

I thought that my happiness would never end but what in the world is this.

The next day Cath came to our house.

"Andrea..... Are... You okay?"she asked and I can see it on her face, she's worried.

Claire and Kate were at my house too that time.

"Does she look okay" Kate said sarcastically
"Kate!" Claire shouted at her
"Im... Im... Okay... Thanks" I said

That time I was such a mess I didn't know what to do I still can't believe that all this is happening.

I want to talk to Jason but he's still not answering his phone and he isn't opening the door too.

I was so darn worried then I remembered that dream... That dream!!

Cath apologized to us Claire accepted her apology but Kate is still cold to her.

I've forgiven her too

Days passed Jason is still not answering his phone and not opening his door we always go to his apartment but he's just not opening the door

Then one day

Cath, Claire, and Kate were at my house

We were studying.
But I just can't focus Im still thinking about Jason

I stood up to get some water when I suddenly fell on the ground.

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Hope yall liked this chapter please do vote and comment bye! Love y'allヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙
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