Chapter 9 ♡

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We were just both looking at the window where it's raining
After like 2 hours the rain is still not stopping and it's already 8:00pm

"Why don't you just sleep here?" My mom suggested
"Huh? Here oh no thank you I don't really sleep at other people's house and I don't wanna bother you" he said politely
"But it's raining so hard right now and we still have school tomorrow" i said
"Mmm yeah" he replied
"Okay just sleep her-" my mom wasn't able to finish what she's saying because the power suddenly went out.....

It was so dark I cant see anything
After that we heard someone knocking at our door "That's probably dad" I heard a voice and that was from Adrian
"Were not sure tho" i said
Jason grabbed something and walked to the door my mom followed him
They opened the door and we saw dad

"Dad!" Adrian screamed
We closed the door and lighted up some candles
"Are you Andrea's friend?" My dad asked
"Ah yes sir" Jason replied.... He sounds scared is he afraid of my dad hahahaha...

We all sat at our couch while the candles are at the table in front of us
Were looking at the window where it's raining so hard
"Is your house far?" My dad asked and looked at Jason
"Ummm yes sir" he replied
"Then why don't you sleep here" my dad suggested
"Yeah just sleep here and it's already late it's dangerous outside" my mom said
"Yeah!" Adrian shouted
I looked at him and he's smiling
"Sure thanks sir and ma'am"he said
After some hours it's still raining and there's still no electricity

My mom prepared some foods and we ate while it's still raining
"It's already 9:30pm" i said
"Huh? Already" Jason replied
I just nodded and continued to eat
"Mommy, Daddy where will Jason sleep?" Adrian asked
"Cute" i heard Jason said
"Oh that well.... Can he sleep at your room?my mom said
"Oh no it's okay ma'am I'll just sleep at the living room" he said

"Nope your sleeping at Adrian's room and Adrian you will sleep at our room okay!" My dad said
"Mmm thanks sir" Jason replied and smiled

10:00 pm
There's still no electricity and all of us were already preparing for bed Adrian is at my parents room and Jason's at Adrian's room and Im at my room.....

I still can't sleep so I just closed my eyes forcing my self to sleep

"Hey Andrea! Wake up were late" i heard
I opened my eyes and saw Jason
"Huh what did you say?" He asked
And with that question I finally woke up
"Huh what do you mean I didn't said anything" I replied and got out of bed as always I took a shower went down stairs and ate

After I was done eating I saw Jason looking at me... Oh wait yeah he's still here I quick grabbed my bag "Let's go" i said
He just nodded and smiled
"Bye ma'am" he said to my mom
"Bye mom" I said

We walked together to get to school when we arrived together at our room our classmates teased us

Including Claire and Kate... I looked at Cath and she's just studying... It's like she doesn't care about Jason not like the other girls.... Like Jason is so popular and she just ignores him.... I think there's something wrong with this two but I don't know what it is

Long story short class was done and we don't have to study with our study buddies

"Let's go to the new cafe" Kate said
I was shocked I looked at my back and she's there... Gosh this girl is she teleporting or something... Like sometimes I'll just get shock that she's in front of me, besides me, or even at my back

Cath declined and I did too... Im just really really tired and Kate understood that
"Okay let's just go there when y'all aren't tired" she said..I like how she understands anything she's such a great friend....

We packed our things and walked out of our classroom then suddenly Cath bumped into someone...


:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴
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:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴

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