Chapter 16 ♡

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"Jason! Jason! Jason!"

"Hey Rea are you okay?" I heard and when I heard that I opened my eyes

I saw the worried faces of my parents
"Mom..Dad" I said to them
"You kept on repeating Jason's name" My dad said

My mom gave me a glass of water and I drank it
"Was it all a dream?" I asked
"Yup you were dreaming honey"my mom replied
I sighed

"What was your dream about?" My dad asked
"I was on a very dark place... Then.... Then I saw Jason..... He was crying then I realized little by little he's disappearing...... I ran to him but it was to late he disappeared already" I answered while crying

"That's a bad dream I hope that doesn't mean anything" My mom said worryingly
"Don't worry nothing bad will happen" My dad said and patted my back

I went back to sleep again and I'm glad I didn't have a bad dream again like that

The next day Jason picked me up to go to school

Whenever I see him I always get reminded of that dream... Im scared I hope nothing bad will happen he's one of my source of happiness.....

My friends realized that I'm thinking something deep

They asked me what it is so I answered them

They said that I should not worry dreams are opposite of real life
They said that nothing bad will happen too it's just a dream

But I just really really think something bad will happen and Im scared....

I didn't tell Jason about that dream and we just continued with our lives

Some days passed but I still can't stop thinking about that dream

I asked my classmates about some bad dreams

Some of them said that be careful that might happen in real life
Some said that it's not true

I kept on thinking about that but thank god I'm not forgetting my studies....... It was our exam and It was easy for me...after our exam Jason and I ate on a restaurant and watched movies

Jason's POV

I think Andrea is different nowadays she always says that she loves me...
Well yeah she does say she loves me everyday but nowadays she always say that time to time...

She even says "Please don't leave me"
Weird right?

So I just try my best to make her happy after our exam we ate at a restaurant and watched movies

I walked her home before we got to her house I kissed her and hugged her tight

"Bye!" She said whil she's about to open the gate of her house
"Bye" I replied and smiled at her

I left after she got inside
I threw myself at my bed
Thinking about my girl

I was about to sleep when my phone rang
She's calling

Call with Andrea
"Hey baby"
"Mmmm Jason were you sleeping?" Andrea asked
"Well I was about too" I replied
"Oh sorry" she said
"No worries....anyways why did you call me? Did you miss me already" I said
"Tssskk nothing I just feel like it" she said
"Oh and are you feeling well?" She added.... Okay there she goes again
"Yeah I am I'm just kinda tired that's all" I answered
"Oh okay sorry go ahead and sleep" she said

We ended the call and I slept

The next day I picked her up and we got to school together

Fast forward class was done she invited me to her house

We had dinner with her family , aunties, uncles, and cousins

I can't help but to get jealous with her family.... I wish I had a family like that too

One day I was just sitting at my bed using my phone then I heard someone knocking at my door

I opened it and was shocked on who I saw

"Uncle....." I said
"Hey Jason" he replied
"Come inside"

He walked inside and sat
"Why are you here?" I asked
"Well nothing....... Actually someone wants to see you" he answered
"Who?" I asked curiously
"Your father"

Hope you guys liked this chapter!
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