Chapter 6 ♡

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"Next Andrea Collins and David Williams"
Wait David Williams? Isn't that the president the guy who I bumped too that guy what!!! Why him!!! Ughhh

The partnering continued and after that class is done I grabbed my bag and walked to Claire since we go home together

When I walked to her,David was still there cleaning his things
"Lets go" Claire said to me while im busy looking at David...Claire tapped me and repeated what she said
"Huh ah yeah lets go" I said to her...

Me and Claire walking together

"Ughhh why him!" I shouted
"Huh what do you mean?" Claire asked
"Why that David guy!!!"
"Oh hahaha well who do you want Jason?" She said to me and laughed
I just pouted and continued to walk...

Finally I got home
"Mom! Im home" I shouted
"Ah your here wait....Im cooking something go change your clothes" she replied
I walked to my room and changed my clothes....
After I changed my clothes I opened my phone and I almost fainted on what I saw David.... That David Williams guy just sended me a friend request....

I was shocked well why would he... Then I remembered that he's my partner ughhh but whatever at least his smart

The next day
5:56 am
"Bye mom im going to school!"I shouted while Im struggling wearing my shoes.... After that I runned to Claire's house when I got there she's still getting ready... After like 10 years finally she's done....

We got to school kinda late but whatever.....
When I got there Jason was sleeping so I slowly placed my bag and sat
I don't want to wake him up so I just placed my head on the desk too....

I kinda slept but i woke up when i heard the door opened it's our teacher
"Okay class today is the start you will be studying with your study buddy and you'll be helping each other out... Oh and after school you and your study buddy must study together at your house it can be on your house or the others"

Wait what.... Gosh no!!!!!!
Will he go to my house or im the one to go there but seriously there's no need for me to study with him!!! Ughhhh

A lot of times passed by and Im still thinking about what the teacher said ughhh out of all my classmates why is he my study buddy ughhh I hate this

"Hey! Rea "I heard Claire call me
I looked at her "Huh oh"
"What the come on let's eat" she said
"What are you thinking?" I almost fell from my seat it was Kate sitting at Jason's seat I didn't realize her gosh this girl
"Is there a problem?" Cath asked
"Nope there's no problem and Im not thinking of anything come lets eat" i replied to the three
We ate and after were done eating we got back to our classroom because there's a test after lunch

We finished eating fast so we can review some more

The teacher arrived we took a test after that we did a lot mire things and boom! Class is done.... We need to study with our study buddy

We all grabbed our bags and the partners started to talk I saw that David that jerk was walking towards me "Can I go to your house?"he asked
"Huh oh yeah sure hehe" i replied I was kinda shocked but whatever (sigh)

Were walking together and yeah it's kinda awkward...... Claire didn't come with us gosh that girl she ships me and David what's wrong with her why in the world would she ship me with that guy

After a lot of walking we finally arrived at my house
"Were... Were here"I said
"Oh okay" he replied
"Are your parents here?"he asked.. Of course there here i would never let you come with me if my parents aren't here
"Yup there here" I replied
He just nodded and smiled... Oh so this guy smiles its my first time seeing him smile

I opened the door and he was besides me....
When I opened the door I saw mom and Adrian watching TV
"Oh your home..." My mom looked at David
"Who.... Is he your boyfriend?"

♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
Hope you guys liked this chapter please do vote and comment if you did liked this chapter bye!!! *˙︶˙*)ノ(*>∇<)ノ
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡

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