Chapter 5 ♡

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"Can't you fcking look at where your going? Stupid!"

What the...isn't this the president?
Is this how he treats his classmates then I guess his the worst president ever.

"Ah sorry" I apologized
He smirked and left
"Gosh that guy" Cath said
"Hmmmp that guy is so fcking rude"I heard Kate said
" He's really like that don't mind him"Claire said
"Don't mind him" I heard a deep voice.
When I turned around to see who it was I was shocked It's Jason.

Come to think of it he sounds nice.
"Hi! Jason!" Kate said and Claire waved at him "Umm I'll go first" Cath said and left

"Lets go"Jason said
Me, Kate, Claire and Jason walked together until we got to our classroom.

We entered and sat at our own seats I looked at the president he's just staring at the board he looks so cold.

Fast forward class is finally finished
I grabbed my bag and was about to go to Claire's seat when I heard Jason talked.

"Are you related to Claire?"
I looked at him... He's so... Handsome..

"Ah yeah she's my cousin" I answered
"Oh i see" he replied and smiled at me
"See you tomorrow" he said...
"See you!" I replied and smiled at him

I walked to Claire.
"Hey! Where are you going? We still have a movie to watch!" Kate said
"Huh oh yeah the movie sure" I replied
"How bout you Cath?" Claire asked
"Oh sorry I dont think I can go im not really feeling well" she answered
"Oh okay" Kate said
We left and get straight to the movie
I texted my mom that we'll go out and she was happy that I finally have some friends.

I arrived at home
"Andrea why are you so late?" My mom said
"Sorry mom we watched some movies, played at the arcade, and ate outside. Sorry mom" I explained

"Mmm okay go take a shower" My mom replied.

I knew she'd be angry but she'll forgive me too.
I tooked a shower and went straight to bed.
I saw that Kate added me to our group chat just all of us classmates and she created another group chat where its just me, her, Claire and Cath.

"Rea help your brother" I heard my mom shouted
"Yessssss i will" I shouted back
After I helped my brother I immediately threw my self on my bed.

I looked at my phone and saw that Jason sended me a friends request.

Of course i accepted it. I looked at his profile and he looks so handsome there.

Now I remembered Cath I think there's something suspicious with those two maybe there together or something.

A lot of days passed and me and Jason have been kinda close lately I've gotten close with his friends too and I have more friends Im literally living a new life now Im so happy.

It's my second week of going to this school now.

"Okay class I'll be partnering you up with someone and that will be your study buddy the two of you will study together okay?"our teacher said
I wished that my partner will be Cath, Kate or Claire and I know that a lot of girls wants to be partnered to Jason.

The teacher started calling some names and our classroom became a market a lot of them are screaming because its always a boy and a girl so of course they started to ship them up.

"Ok Cath Windsor and Jason Hiraya" after our teacher said that almost all of my classmates screamed and some are jealous I looked at Jason and he doesn't have a expression he's face is just blank totally blank but he's still handsome.

"Next Andrea Collins and David Williams"
Wait David Williams? Isn't that the president the guy who I bumped too that guy what!!! Why him!!! Ughhh.

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