Chapter 2 ♡

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"Finally were moving out" I said to myself Im so excited to see my new school too Im so excited to start a new school life.

Hours later
Finally!!! We arrived at our new house it's a little bit more bigger than our last house and it's so beautiful too it looks so nice to live here and my grandma's house is near too.

Im going to my new school tomorrow I can't wait!!! Me and Adrian excitedly walked to our new house it so beautiful in the outside and specially inside.

Our parents pointed our rooms so we immediately ran to our rooms.

My room is so girly and I love it, there's a book shelf too. And I cant wait to see my new school tomorrow.

A lot of hours passsed by it's already 7pm and finally were done arranging our things.

My grandma, aunties and cousins visited our house since there houses where close to our house, we all ate together.

I have a cousin who's same age as me and she goes to the school my parents transferred me its a relief. And guess what she's my classmate too!!!

After we ate the grown ups were down stairs me my brother and some of my cousins are asleep they all stayed at our house some of my cousins are in my room I didn't sleep fastly because I was thinking about my new school life tomorrow "I can do this yup I can do this I'll make friends and i will not be an outcast" I said to myself quietly... Then after that I fell asleep.

The next day
"Andrea wake up"I heard Claire my cousin waking me up
"Huh?" I opened my eyes and i saw her on a school uniform
"Wake up don't be late on your first day of school" I heard her
I didn't have a choice but to wake up, take a shower, and eat.

I was done eating and Claire is too
"Bye mom bye grandma bye aunties" I heard Claire said she's always so energetic.

Okay but whatever as I promised I will have a new life I will not be an outcast anymore okay!! Lets do this.

"Bye everyone" I said and left with Claire for my first day of school.

We just walked to get to our school since it's not that far from our house.

We finally arrived at my new school it was bigger than my previous one and It's so pretty, there were a lot of students outside running cleaning and doing other stuffs it looks so fun to study here im already liking it here.

We entered, when I saw the inside of the school I almost fainted it's so darn pretty it looks so expensive gurlll i like it here!!!!

Claire helped me to get to our classroom there were a lot of students there was a big hallway and I saw a lot of students too.

We were just walking when i felt that Claire grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking I got confused then I heard some girls screaming. Then I looked at the girls who are screaming and I saw a guy.

A handsome guy.

"Isn't he so handsome?" I heard Claire whispered to me.

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