Chapter 15 ♡

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"Woah beautiful" I said while looking around at his apartment
Jason chuckled and said "Sit down I'll cook something"

"Wait you can cook?" I asked curiously
"Of course I can" he answered
"Oooohhh cool" I said and sat at his couch

I looked around at his apartment and saw some pictures.... I saw pictures of him and out classmates pictures of me and him and..... Pictures of.... Wait is that his family???

I looked at him, he's preparing food so I stood up and walked closer to the picture I was shocked when I saw Cath, him and like I said I think that's he's family

I grabbed the photo and looked at it more closely
"Hey food is ready"
"Ahhh"I screamed
"Tssk this girl" he said
"Come eat" he said and placed the foods at the table

I placed the photo again where it was before and followed him

We were just eating when he suddenly talked "Are you curious about my family?"
"Huh? Well....yeah" I replied

He chuckled
"I don't have one" he said
I didn't know what to say and looked at the picture again

He saw me looking at the picture and said "Yeah that's my family but they didn't really really treated me like family only my mom treated me like a family"

I was kinda shocked on what he just said and I felt bad for him
I stood up and walked to him, I hugged him tight

"Sorry I shouldn't have asked" I said
"No it's not your fault and you should know about me and my family more since you're my girlfriend" he replied

We continued to eat and after that he walked me home

"Thanks!" I said
"Welcome"he replied
He kissed me on my forehead and was about to leave
"Hey wanna go inside" I said
He looked at me and smiled
"No thanks I still have to study maybe tomorrow" he replied
I just nodded and smiled

He left and I walked to my room
I slept....then I woke up on a really really dark place

I heard... That voice was kinda creepy
I looked around and everything is black I can't see anything

Then out of nowhere I saw Jason....
He's wearing a white oversized shirt with the necklace I gave him and he's wearing a black jogging pants....

I can see it all clearly even tho it's so dark...."Jason "I said
I saw his face more clearly and I realized tears were felling from his eyes...

"Jason what's wrong?" I asked
And I realized that tears are falling from my eyes too

I kept on repeating his name but he doesn't answer.... Then I saw that little by little his disappearing

I ran to him "Jason! Jason! Jason" I kept on repeating that while I'm running to him but it was to late..... He disappeared already....

დ .•*””*•   End of Chapter 15!    •*””*•.დ
Hey y'all hope you liked this chapter please do wait for the other chapters bye!
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