Chapter 17♡

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"Your father" he answered
After he said that I was shocked like what the hell does he mean my father? He's dead

"What do you mean? My father is dead" I said
"He's not" my uncle replied and I saw a man entered

"He's your father" my uncle said
"Jason!.... Jason is that you my child" the man said
I stepped back.... No! No! He's not my father

"Jason please listen"uncle said
"Jason Im so sorry.... Your father is so sorry" the man said and started to cry

"Jason your father is alive" my uncle said
"How is that possible he died on a car accident" I asked
"Yeah he did but he survived he said to just tell you that he's dead... Because that time a lot of people hates him because of his debts"

"What!" I shouted angrily
"Get out of here both of you!" I added
"Son! Son please no... Please.. Please forgive me son I love you" the man said
"Leave!" I shouted and made them left

I closed the door the man and uncle kept on knocking on my door
"LEAVE!" I shouted
"Son please forgive me" I heard him said while crying
"I don't need a father like you leave!" I shouted again

He left and I cried I don't know why I'm crying why am I crying on someone like him

"Fuck" I said while crying
"Why me..... Why..... Why did he have to say he's dead.... WHY! I hate this darn life"

Andrea's POV

"Hmmm why is Jason not answering my calls" I said to myself.... Im getting worried is something wrong....

He's still not answering my calls so I decided to go to his apartment

I got there and I knocked at his door
"Jason! Jason!" I kept on repeating that and was getting worried... Then he opened the door

"Jason!" I screamed and hugged him
"Jason.... What's wrong why are you not answering my calls" I added... I started to cry
"Sorry" he replied
I looked at him... He's crying
"Why are you crying" i asked

"Oh nothing come inside" he said and kissed me on my forehead

I walked inside
He got me some snacks and juice
"What happened?" I asked
"Nothing" he replied coldly
I know something is wrong he's just not telling it

"Tell me what's wrong?" I asked again
"I said NOTHING!" he shouted
I was kinda shocked when he shouted and that made me more worried

I cried again
He saw me crying "Sorry" he apologized
"No it's okay sorry too.... But whatever your problem is Im here for you" I said to him and hugged him again
"Thanks" he replied

The next day he didn't pick me up to get to school he texted me that he wont be going to school.....I got worried again I really really want to know what's happening but I don't want him to be annoyed so I just didn't asked

After school I walked home... By myself....

I got home and opened the door when I opened a door I saw my parents and a man...

"Andrea come here" My dad said
"Oh is that Andrea she's so pretty guess my son has a good taste" the man said..... What son?... I was kinda confused but I walked to them and sat besides mom

"Rea this is Jason's father" my mom said
Wait what Jason's father? Isn't he dead

"Ummm hi sir but....Didn't Jason's father died on a car accident?"I said
Him Jason's father and my parents explained me everything

And after they explained those to me I finally knew the reason why Jason is like that

"Andrea can you help me?" Jason's father asked
"Well.... Sure.... Sir" I replied
"Please... I want to be close with my son..... Please help me... Please" he said and started to cry

That time I kinda feel like crying too...
But I didn't

"Sure sir I'll help you" I said even tho I don't know how I can help him
"Thank.... Thank you" Jason's father replied

I texted Jason
"Hey how are you?"
But I didn't got any replies

His father ate dinner with us and left and we talked about something's

Before he left he said something to me
"Please take care of my son... I hope I can be close with him.... Can I come here again tomorrow and can you tell me everything about my son please"

Im so tired......
I was sitting on my bed staring at the wall.... I tried to call Jason but he didn't answer I was worried... Like so worried but then he texted me
"Im busy"

How in the world can he be busy???
But I just ignored everything and closed my eyes when I woke up I was on a very very dark place....

I saw Jason he was crying then slowly he's disappearing.... I ran to him but it was to late he disappeared already

"Jason! Jason!"
"Andrea wake up" I heard when I opened my eyes I saw my mom..
"That dream again.... Why... Why?!?! " I said
"Andrea calm down" my mom said and gave me a glass of water

This was probably the 4th time I got that dream.....

The next day Jason didn't go to school again.... Fast forward I got home and saw Jason's father

We talked and I told him stuffs about Jason

"Can you.... Go with me to Jason's house now?" Jason's father asked me
"Now?" I replied
"Yes now... Please... Can you.. " he answered

I can't help but to just nod
We walked to Jason's apartment
I knocked at the door after liked 1000 knocks he finally opened the door

"Hi!" I said and smiled
He smiled too but he's smile faded when he saw his father
"What is he doing here?" He asked
"He wants to see you" I replied
He was about to close the door but I stopped him

"Please give him a chance... Please Jason" I said
"No!" He replied coldly
"Please Jason... please.... "

Hope you guys liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment love yall"

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