Chapter 4 ♡

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I wonder why Cath isn't admiring him.

"Gosh this two come on let's go outside" Cath held my hand and we all walked out of our classroom.

There were a lot of students outside it's so nice to look at them. Cath and Claire are both holding my hands and Kate is at our back.
It's so nice that it's my first day here and I already have some friends.

I'm really living a new life here.

We were just walking and I suddenly bumped into someone..
"Oh s..sorry" I apologized
"Huh ah no it's okay" The girl said she's my classmate
"Hi! Im Lily nice to meet you" she introduced her self to me, I smiled
"Hi! Im Andrea it's nice to meet you too" I replied
"Oh sorry I have to go bye guys" she said and waved at us and immediately ran.

"That's Lily she's nice and smart too" I heard Kate stated

"Oh i see" I replied and we continued to walk

We did a lot of things and took some pictures too.

"Hey Andrea do you want to go with us to watch some movies?" Cath asked me.

"Huh uh sure im in!" I replied
"Is no one going to invite me?" Claire said. We all laughed because Claire personality is so fun, she's been like that since we were young.

"Of course you should come you'll pay for everything" Kate said after she said that we all laughed and heard the bell ring all of the students got back to their own classrooms and the same for us.

We got back to our classroom when we opened the door our room was like a supermarket gosh their so noisy
I saw Lily and she waved at me I waved back and smiled.

I walked to my seat and sat there Jason wasn't there yet but wait. Why do i care?

I opened my bag and got some books to study. I felt that someone sat beside me when I turned to see who it was it's Jason. Okay to be honest he's kinda handsome, eh whatever.

Finally a teacher came and started her lesson it was easy since well im not bragging but im smart so it's easy for me to understand.

Fastforward it's lunch time Kate,Cath, and Claire, the four of us ate together to be honest I kinda want to approach Jason cause were seatmates and he's not talking to me I kinda want to talk to him. But whatever some girl approached me too and we became friends.

The four of us were just eating when I heard a voice it was deep.
"Hey you dropped this" I turned around to see who it was Kate and Claire almost screamed.

It was Jason.

"Huh ah that thanks" I said and grabbed my wallet.My wallet has a name on it so that's probably why he knew it was mine. Okay but his voice though it's so darn deep omg I almost fell from him.

"Welcome" he said and smiled.

His smile oh my god, I saw that Claire and Kate were turning into a tomato while Cath doesn't even care I think there's something wrong.... Jason left, and seriously Kate and Claire are so fcking red right now. I sighed and just continued to eat I want to ask Cath if somethings wrong cause whenever Jason is around she looks cold and I think she's angry at him.

We finished eating and we were walking on the huge hallway it just so beautiful.

I have my phone with me so I checked if my mom texted me because she always does.

I was looking at my phone while walking so I didn't know that someone's walking towards me and of course i bumped into him.

My phone fell on the ground and I looked at the person who I bumped into.

"Can't you fcking look at where your going? Stupid!"

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Hi! You! Yes! You!
Thanks for reading lol please don't forget to vote and comment! Bye! ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ
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