Chapter 20 ♡ (End)

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The next day
At Jason's funeral

Im now at my boyfriends funeral.... I don't know what to feel.... I... I seriously don't know I didn't know that this day would happen why so sudden? Why?

His father my parents his friends our classmates our teachers are all here

Everyone was so sad Jason was such a good person

He was my happiness he always makes me smile....Out of all the people why him?

At his funeral I'm still saying to myself that it's my fault... I don't know I just seriously seriously don't know anymore

Should I just die too? Or what?

I didn't think of any other things that time all I was thinking was him

Some of our classmates, my parents and our friends asked me if Im okay and of course I said I'm okay and yup that's a lie... Well I mean like how can I be okay

We are all crying specially his father and me.... Yeah everyone will die but why him? Why now?

I'm just sitting there crying thinking about him I remembered when he asked me out I remembered our first kiss I remembered our first date I remembered all of those.

I already miss him.... His hugs.. His kisses.... Whenever he teases me... Whenever he's helping me on my projects and school works.... Whenever we eat together.... I miss all of those

Then I remembered my promise to myself... If I just didn't did that promise and just stayed quite if I just continued being an outcast... If I didn't met them.... If I just didn't started a new school life..... Will all of these not happen? Will I be just studying now?
Will he still be alive?

A lot of questions came to my mind but I don't know the answers

That time I was so tired of my life I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to feel, I didn't know what to think about

After his funeral we got home I was still crying till I got to my bed

Still crying, still thinking about him

The next day I visited him

I brought flowers, some of his friends were there but they left too

I walked to him placed the flowers and talked like a crazy girl

"Jason.... Why?... Jason....why now? Please come back... Please... Jason.... I love you... Why did yiu leave me why?...why Jason why?.." I started to cry

I've been crying all night till now... I've been crying since I knew what happened to him...

After 5 years

Hi! Im Andrea Collins!... 22 years old!
It's been five years... But he's still in my mind and heart.

Today I visited him brought some flowers and some of his favorite stuffs

As always I talked there like a crazy girl

"Hi! It's me I'm back again! Are you happy now? I hope you are....please be... I love you..." Then I cried

I'm still friends with Kate and Cath.

Jason's father died on a car accident.

I became a teacher Adrian became such a handsome boy he still goes to school and we moved to a new house.

Adrian is now 10 years old... Tsk this boy he's so young yet a playboy.

I don't have a boyfriend yet... I just still can't move on from him.... Some guys confessed to me but I rejected them nicely.

Oh and guess what! David and Cath are now together! Claire is still single she's scared but there is someone we ship her with it's one of Jason's friend.

Oh and Kate she has a boyfriend too! It's Drake Jason's friend.

I was happy that they were happy... They say that I should find someone too but I kinda got a trauma...I don't want to experience what I experienced with Jason.

I still can't move on from Jason until.... I met him...... His name is Jake.

After 5 more years... Let me introduce to y'all my husband.... Jake!

We have one son named Jaden.... He's such a cute boy!

I visited Jason with my son and husband he knew about Jason he said he sounded like a great person..

We got there we brought him some flowers my husband and son left first.

"Hi! I still love you but of course I love my husband more I love you as ummm let's say as a friend?... My husband's name is Jake we have a son too! He's name is Jaden..... Jake is so nice to me! Our son is so cute too! I hope your happy for me"

"I will never forget you!"

"I.... I hope your happy where you are now...."

"Thank you.... Thank you for everything..... Thank you for making me smile , for making me happy, for being my happiness, thank you for loving me, thank you for everything...... "

"Thank you Jason Hiraya"

The End

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Hey y'all right now I dont know what to feel should I be happy or sad?

Im happy that I just finished a book! And Im sad because It's time to say goodbye to my characters

Thank you guys for reading this book I really really appreciate it! Thanks y'all

I will miss y'all, I will miss this book, I will miss Andrea, Jason and the other characters here

Did the ending felt rushed? Lol sorry how did y'all feel while reading this chapter? What did y'all feel while reading this book?

Okay! Finally I finished a book! Oh and please do comment on what you think sorry for the wrong grammars and for the typos

Comment your story below and I'll check it out! Okay now it's time to think for a new story!

Okay anyways thank you thank you guys for reading this book hope you liked it please do vote and comment bye!

Oh and the next part of this book are the characters!

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