Chapter 19 ♡

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Third Person's POV

Andrea was about to get a glass of water when she suddenly fell on the floor

"Andrea!" Her family and her friends shouted when she fell

They ran to her

Her friends panicked while her parents are preparing their car

They brought her to the hospital

Her friends Claire, Kate and Cath followed them to the hospital

David came too

David and Andrea have been close to each other lately

Claire, Kate and Cath are trying to call Jason but he's not answering

They kept on calling Jason because they knew that when Andrea wakes up he's the one she'll ask first

"Jason... Jason please answer your phone" Cath said while trying to call Jason

Andrea's parents were worried about Jason too

Like so much days passed but he's not answering the phone or opening the door when their there

Days passed Andrea is still not waking up

Andrea's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a really really bright thing
Wait am I... Dead????....

I opened my eyes fully

"Mom... Dad... Jason?" I said

"Wait Andrea your awake!"
"Auntie uncle Andrea is alive! I mean awake!"

I heard those voices and they sound so familiar

When I turned around to see who they were I saw Cath, Claire and Kate

I saw that my parents opened the door and came in

"Andrea.... Andrea my daughter!" My mom said while crying
"Andrea!"Adrian shouted
I saw my dad trying to hold his tears

My friends shouted and they all started to cry

David and Jason's friends were there too

"Why are you guys crying?"I asked
"And where's Jason is he still angry?" I added

After I asked those they cried more

"Andrea my daughter Jason.... Jason... " my mom said

Calire, Cath and Kate walked to me

"Jason..... Jason is gone....." Claire said and cried more

"What? What do you mean" I said and tears started falling from my eyes

"I just woke up don't joke around like that" I added

"She's not joking Andrea" Cath said she's crying too

"Andrea honey.... Jason.... Is.... He's gone" my mom said and wiped her tears

"Andrea..... He's dead... " Kate said and hugged me

"What! What the hell do you guys mean there's no way he's dead why?.... Why.... Why!?! " I shouted

I can't process what in the world is happening right now like Jason... He's he's dead? How? Why? Like seriously why? Why? WHY?

"H-.. How did that happen.... All I remember is that I fell on the floor and.... And now... I woke up and your going to tell me my boyfriend is dead! Ho-... How.... Why? Please... Please tell me your joking please...."I shouted and cried out loud like a baby

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