Chapter 13 ♡

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"Wanna dance?" Jason said
I was kinda shocked but I just nodded and stood up

We danced along with the romantic music
"Baby your so cute" he said to me
"Don't call me baby and I know Im cute" I said
He just smirked and we continued to dance
He's so close to me and I can see he's handsomeness so closely

I don't know why but I felt butterflies in my stomach
"Baby your blushing" he teased me
"No Im not and don't call me baby" I replied and looked somewhere else
"Baby look at me at my eyes" he said
"For the last time don't call me baby" I said and looked at his eyes

"Your eyes are so beautiful" he said
"Mm thanks yours too" i replied

"Bab~Andrea your so beautiful I want to kiss you" he said
"Jason I'm not one of those girls you can fool" I said
He smirked and we just continued to dance... I admit that I was blushing the whole entire time....

A lot of romantic music's played and we danced to those then suddenly when were dancing to one of the music....

"Do you want to be my girlfriend"Jason said he kinda sounds serious.... But! Andrea don't get fooled

"What?"I whispered
" I said do you want to be my girlfriend "he repeated
"I told you Im not one of those girls you can fool" i said

The music ended... Me Jason Claire Kate and their partners sat and ate some snacks

Jason looked at me I just smiled at him and he smiled back

Claire, Kate and their partners danced to some musics meanwhile me and Jason are just sitting

"Can I talk to you?" Jason asked
"Your already talking to me" I answered
He pouted... Not gonna lie that was kinda cute

"Fine what is it" i said
"Well..... I like you... Wait no... I love you" he said
I couldn't say anything after he said that.... But after some time I finally got to talk

"Jason....Well... I can't really really have a boyfriend yet I have to finish studying cause if I had a boyfriend now it will be a distraction for me from studying" I said

"I understand... Then... I'll wait for you" he said seriously
"What! " I kinda shouted... Good thing the music was kinda loud
"Why?" He asked
"Well...fine your handsome and I kinda feel something different when Im with you" i said to him
"Oh that means you like me too" he said cutely then smiled

Gosh this boy
"I'll wait for you Im not really really rushing you and I understand that you should finish your studies first" he said seriously
I smiled and nodded
"Thank you" I said to him with a bright smile

After some time the dance night was finished after we had that conversation we still danced to some songs

We changed clothes and prepared to go to sleep

We all are sleeping at our classroom it was so fun we played some games too we even tried scary things

The next day
We all woke up early packed our things and got home

"Mom Im home" I shouted
"Oh your home honey did you have fun yesterday" my mom said while preparing breakfast
"Yup mom it was so fun" I answered
I ate breakfast took a rest and taked a shower

I threw myself at my bed and got flash backs about what Jason said to me last night..  I don't know why but I can't stop thinking of what he said

And I asked myself "Do I like him?"
I kept asking that to myself

Few days passed nothing changed with me and Jason we were still close to each other were not feeling uncomfortable with each other in fact we kinda got more closer

And every after school he goes to my house we study together some times we hang out... Just the two of us... But most of the time me Claire, Kate, Jason and his friends hang out all together

And about Cath well.... We barely talk to each other

I want to bring back those time where me Claire, Kate and Cath were all friends..... But I guess that will never happen again

And almost all of our classmates ships me with Jason they all said that we make a good couple

I kinda like it when they say that but I just act like that's nothing

Then there's this time where me and Jason were walking together then he suddenly stopped walking

"Andrea... You see... I really really like you" he said
I looked at him at his eyes and smiled
"I like you too" I said
"Hmmm? Wait what did you say" he said to me
"I said I LIKE YOU!" I shouted
"Wait seriously"he asked then  hugged me tightly

I can feel that he's so happy
"Okay then it's our first day of being a couple!" He said and held my hand
"Yup!" I said and gave him a bright smile

"Oh and Andrea.... Baby can I kiss you?" He asked
Seriously this boy I just answered him and now he already wants to kiss... But whatever

I nodded as a yes
Then he kissed me.... And that was my first kiss

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