Chapter 3 ♡

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"Isn't he so handsome?" I heard Claire whispered to me

Okay yeah he is handsome and I saw that a lot of girls want him including Claire.....

"Well kinda" I replied to Claire who is literally in love right now

"Wait what kinda?" She said to me.... Yeah he's handsome but he looks like the bad boy type who'll always broke a girl's heart

He was walking towards me Claire pulled me to the side I saw that he looked at me before he walked pass me......

Yeah he's handsome i admit that... After he left Claire and I continued to walk

"Who is he?" I asked Claire
"He's Jason the most popular boy here" she replied to me and i can see that she likes him well I think almost every girl our age here likes him

"Oh okay" i said like i dont even care
"Oh and were lucky enough cuz he's our classmate!!!" Claire said to me while pulling my hair,,,,gosh this girl why is she so in love with him

I opened the door of our room and it's was so noisy I saw some students they were looking at me and they waved at me I just did the same and smiled.

Claire offered me to sit next to her so I did. When I sat there I already called it as a good start.

Until I heard a voice "Get lost" it was so deep I know it's a guy and I knew that he will be a cold guy when I turned to see who it was, he was so handsome and he looks cold.

"Huh? Oh sorry" I said and I immediately grabbed my bag and stood up, he sat at his seat and looked at me.

Claire got up and walked towards me
"He's the president he's my seatmate" Claire said, Gosh this girl you didn't tell me that there was already someone sitting there.

"Hmm okay" I replied and nodded I looked for a place to sit and saw a space available so I sat there, gosh where's the teacher.

After some time the teacher finally arrived finally!
And the guy who seats beside me arrived too and guess what... He's the Jason guy... He looked at me as if im a murderer or something and I hated it

"Okay class let me introduce to you your new classmate Andrea Collins"

When I heard my name i immediately
stood up and walked in front.
"Would you mind to introduce your self miss Collins?" My teacher asked.

I nodded and smiled at her and at my classmates.

"Hello everyone im Andrea Collins let's be friends" I said and when I said that I felt so proud I somehow changed in like 10 minutes or something as promised I will not be an outcast anymore.

They all clapped and I saw that some of them smiled at me. After that I walked to my seat and sat, the class started it's kinda a review for me because It's my first day here.

After class was finished it's break time some girl including Claire walked to me.

"Hi! Im Cath!" One of the girls said and I gotta say she's so pretty "Hi Im Kate!"another girl said " She's my cousin"i heard Claire say to the girls.

"Hehe hi! Im Andrea well yeah y'all already know that hahaha" I replied to them and I smiled. They laughed too they seem to be nice

"Oh i see... Do y'all want to go outside since it's so boring here" Cath said "Okay!" Me, Kate and Claire replied.

The boy besides me, Jason stood up and left the classroom with his friends.
"Gosh isn't he so handsome?" Kate said while looking at Jason leaving our room.

Welp I guess all of the girls here likes Jason that guy
"Yup he's so handsome omg" Claire said too, this two are so in love but why isn't Cath admiring him?.

That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you liked it(≡^∇^≡)please dont forget to vote and comment bye! Love y'all

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