Chapter 7 ♡

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"Is he your boyfriend?"
"Mom!" I said to her well i mean like him that guy my boyfriend NO! NO! NO! NEVER

"Oh sorry what's your name handsome boy?" My mom asked,
I saw that David smiled.

"Oh my name is David... David Williams nice to meet you auntie" he said and smiled, he's voice, I kinda liked his voice he sounds so sweet.

"Hi!" Adrian said he waved at David and smiled at him.

David kneeled down and smiled at Adrian "Hi!" He replied and messed with Adrian's hair.

"Oh wait both of you come sit there I'll get some snacks" my mom said and left to get some foods.

"Do.... You have a little brother or something?" I asked


Adrian sat at the couch and called David.

David looked at me "Lets sit" he said and pointed to the couch.

He sat next to Adrian and I did too. Adrian left and ran to his room

"Huh" I heard David whispered to himself
"Hehe don't mind him" I said to him
"He's cute how old is he and what's his name?" He asked
"His Adrian, his five years old" I answered with a sweet voice

"Ah i see and ummm sorry about... You know when you bumped into me at the hallway I was just angry that time hehe" he said to me,Oh so that's why.... finally he apologized

My mom came with snacks "Here eat this while you do what you need to do" my mom said

"Thanks auntie" David replied
"Thanks mom" I said and started to place my books at the tabled David did the same.

We studied until it was kinda late.

"Andrea I'll go home now" he said to me with a sweet tone
"Oh okay sure" I replied and cleaned my things and called mom.

"Mom David is going home" I shouted since she's upstairs..
My mom got down stairs "Oh your going now why don't you eat first?"my mom said.

"Hehe no it's okay auntie I'll just eat at home and Im not really really hungry" he replied
"Oh okay then bye make sure to come back here okay" my mom said

"Yup hehehe bye Adrian" he said and waved at Adrian, Adrian waved back  and smiled.

David left and I started to clean the table.

"He's handsome" I heard my mom said.

"Ermmm he's not that handsome" I lied
"Tsk he's handsome" My mom replied
"Okay whatever" I said and went upstairs

I threw my self at my bed and closed my eyes I dont know what happened to me but I saw David and Jason when I closed my eyes so I immediately opened my eyes again.

The next day
At school
I kinda fell asleep at school after lunch I was just so tired when I realized that someone was tapping me.

And I heard a voice "Hey Hey!" I turned around to see who it was and I saw that it was Jason.

I opened my eyes widely and I asked him why.

"Oh nothing well umm... I... I just wanted to wake you up cause you know there's a test later so yeah... " he replied that's kinda weird but ok.

After some time the teacher came and we did had a test

"Okay class make sure you'll study with your study buddy again later after class okay" the teacher said and I saw that Cath raised her hand
She stood up.

"Ma'am can I have a different study buddy?" She asked

"Why?" My teacher replied curiously
"Ummm well I don't really feel comfortable with him" she replied
"Well okay sure umm... " the teacher replied and looked at me

"Okay Andrea your study buddy is David right?" Our teacher asked
I nodded my head as a yes.

"Okay so from now on Cath your study partner will be David and Andrea your study partner will be Jason"

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Bye! Hope you liked this chapter please do vote and comment on this chapter if you liked it bye!! ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ
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