♚[Chapter 1]♚

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Hope you will enjoy this chapter reader!
Your P.O.V

You were visiting your step mom in London to see if she was doing good, by the time you got there a person came to you and putted a sleeping gas inside a handkerchief he putted the handkerchief in your nose making you suffocate. When you woke up you were locked up in a cage, beside you, you see a boy, you asked him "Where are we.. hey are you ok?" he looked at me and could not speak at all, but suddenly some people entered the room they were wearing black clothing, we could not see their faces. One of the people that were wearing black clothing said "We shall begin our summoning whatever it takes" after he said that the boy beside me started to cry. 

they took one kid out on another cage the kid was screaming "HELP PLEASE! SOMEBODY! I DONT WANNA DIE! PLEASE.." he screamed, he continued screaming, the person that was wearing a black clothing had enough and stabbed him and the other people behind him started to say spells that we do not know, blood was splashed everywhere we were all traumatized and could never say anything, we were all traumatized on what happened to the kid that was screaming, their summoning failed the black man figure said once again "Let us try again with another child".

He took a kid that looked like the kid beside me, the kid beside me yelled "NO! LEAVE MY TWIN ALONE!" he continued to scream the person did not stop nor listen, he was still screaming he gripped the cage bars with anger, I was traumatized, I joined him yelling at the man, I said "LEAVE HIS TWIN ALONE!" we were still trying to get his attention. He putted the kid on the table, the kid was crying and got stabbed directly in the stomach. The kid beside me started to yell even more, until the lights went off we were both frightened on the events happening, one of the people said "Did it work?", I told the kid beside me "let us close our eyes so we can not be afraid anymore." we closed our eyes and heard the people from the outside screaming, when I opened my eyes I was not in the cage I was in a dark room with a dark figure and feathers on the floor, the dark figure said "do you wish to make a contract with me.", I asked "what kind of contract." he replied back "Any contract you wish to accomplish" I replied "What will I give you in return?" he replied back "Your soul." I replied as I told my wish "Stay with me until the end and protect me" he replied "As you wish M' lady, where should I put my contract mark on you." I replied back "on my arm". He said "I am sorry if it hurts for a minute, you will feel sleepy after the processing of the mark." he putted his hand on your arm, when you felt a hurtful feeling, you were about to scream but it felt like you were about to explode you screamed "IT HURTS!" you continued to scream until you passed out.

{The next morning}

you were awaken by a butler in a manor wearing a tailcoat, you asked him "Where am I and who are you" he replied while pouring tea "Dear me, I forgot to introduce myself to my mistress, I am Marcus your butler M' lady we formed a contract yesterday remember?." you touched your head and sighed "Oh I remember now... ..Wait! what happened to the boy that was beside me yesterday!" I asked, Marcus said "He is safe, he is with my friend Sebastian in another manor." I sigh of relief and said "Thank goodness.."

~To be Continued~

The picture is at the first page I hope you like it!:> 

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