❥{Chapter 20}❥

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You're P.O.V

When the carriage stopped. I looked out of the window and saw a tent the animals we're not yet entered. We then hopped out of the carriage Ciel then said to Sebastian. "Sebastian, buy us tickets from the man that is standing beside the tent." Sebastian then said with his hand on his heart "Yes, my Lord" he then approached the man that was beside the tent. A minute later he came back to us and handed the tickets to Ciel. Ciel then looked at me and smiled and said "Let's go, Y/n." He then grabbed my hand, we we're slowly walking to the tent. When we we're inside the tent we walked to the chairs and sat on the 2nd row. I was so excited, I was looking around the tent. An hour later the show started and I heared the person that is hosting the pet show said loudly "Welcome! Ladies and gentlemen's! I Jeremy is hosting this pet show!." We all clapped while he bowed. The pet show then started. Jeremy then said "First in line! Murjy the adorable dog!" A small dog came in with a dress. I looked at it and said "aww.. What a cute dog." Ciel then looked at me and said "I agree but you are more cute" I blushed a bit and watched the pet show. Jeremy then said "Next up! Xasion The cat" The cat then came in with a tailcoat and a hat on it's head. I was going to die of cuteness. When Jeremy finished introducing them, they get treats every time they do a trick. I wanted to touch them but I couldn't. It was almost the end of the pet show but suddenly Ciel grabbed my hand and said "Are you enjoying the show y/n?" I then replied " I really really am enjoying it!" Jeremy then announced the winner of the pet show. When it was finished we went outside and hopped inside the carriage. Ciel then said "Y/n, are you hungry?" I then said "a little." He then said "oh a little? I can not let my fiancé starve." He then told Sebastian from the window to go to a restaurant. I then said "It's okay Ciel-"

He thn replied "no, you need to eat." I then said "fine.." He kissed my cheek and said "Thank you Y/n." I smiled at him and said "What is the restaurant called?" He then said "you'll see." 

{To Be Continued}


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