≋☛[Chapter 23]☚≋

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~{A quick A/N}
 Credits to the picture above, sorry for the small chapter Its 12 am and I have so much homework to do I might post late tomorrow. 

Your P.O.V

When we went back to the Manor, me and Ciel went inside and head to his room and cuddled close and fell asleep. The next morning. Sebastian woke us up by opening the curtain. Ciel then sat on his bed beside me looking at Sebastian. Sebastian was pouring tea for the both of us. I then opened my eyes and slowly got up from bed while rubbing my eyes. He then said while hugging me and smiled "Good morning, Y/n." I looked at him and said while hugging him back "Good morning, Ciel." I looked at his right eye and realized why he always wears an eyepatch. I then said without hesitation "Ciel, if you don't mind me asking. Why do you always wear an eyepatch?." He then broke the hug and looked at me and said with a small smile "See for yourself, go ahead and take my eyepatch Y/n" When the last days that we we're in trouble I only saw a purple shade in his eyes. I then said "May I?" He then nod. I slowly took his eyepatch off. He opened his eyes slowly. I then said "We are both.. Making a deal with demons.. I see.." He then nod and whispered to my ear "Even if we are apart I will never forget about you Y/n. I will love you forever." I then whispered back and said "I will never forget you too Ciel. I love you too forever in all of my life." It went silent when Sebastian gave us our tea. Sebastian then broke the silence and said "M'lady, master. The queen has sent another letter for the both of you." He then handed it to Ciel. Ciel then opened the letter and read it aloud for me to hear.

The Queen's letter:

Hello my dear Guard Dog and my beautiful Golden Rose. 

It seems that there is a case that the police can not solve this case. I need you both to investigate it together near London's city. There are so many kids that got kidnapped near the city I hope you both find them and bring them to safety.

Love, The Queen.

I then took the envelope in Ciel's hands and saw four tickets in it. I then told Ciel that there is tickets to the circus named. "Noah's ark Circus" We then changed our outfits and went downstairs and head to the dinning table. When we got there we saw..

{To be Continued}


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