⁂[Chapter 33]⁂

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Your P.O.V

When it was finally almost time Enchanter called us to go behind the circus. When we arrived behind the circus we saw tents. Enchanter then said "for your task for today! you have to carry boxes to the circus!" We three looked at each other and nod our heads to Enchanter. Enchanter then said while looking at Marcus and Sebastian "Wonderful! Black and Goon you will be performing your first performance today! Please get ready and meet me at the circus." He then left to prepare for the show. I went to Marcus and said "Marcus, When you finish the show. Please investigate these tents." He then replied "As you wish m' lady." Ciel did the same to Sebastian. When the show was about to start Enchanter called them from the circus. Ciel then went inside the tent and saw 15 boxes, he then looked around if everything is safe. When he finally said "It is safe." We all went inside. I went to a box and started carrying it but Naozumi come up to me and said "I'll carry that for yo-" But Ciel pushed him gently and said while smiling "Y/n I'll carry this for you don't worry" I then replied "Thank you but its ok.. Ill carry some boxes." He then said "No, no. Its fine ill carry it for you." He then grabbed the box from my arms gently and started carrying it outside. I looked at Naozumi, I then thought to myself "Is he mad or ??" I then gave him my hand to grab him up from the floor. But he refused to take my hand politely and stood up from the floor and grabbed some boxes. I then started to carry boxes one by one and went to the circus to place the boxes. When I was going back to the tent to get more boxes I stepped on something. I looked down to my shoe and saw a red ribbon It was a ribbion hairclip like a little girl would wear. I then looked around to see if someone was watching and picked it up. When I picked it up I placed it on my secret pocket and went back to the tent. When I arrived I saw Ciel, Sebastian, Marcus and Naozumi. The show finished, and we finished to place the boxes to the circus. Rosey then suddenly shouted outside of the tent "Hello!~ Are you all here in this tent?" She then opened the tent and saw us. She smiled and said "There you guys are! Enchanter is calling for all of you." Rosey then started walking as we followed her. 

{To Be Continued}


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