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The warm water rushes down my face as I stand under the shower. The sound of water hitting the tiles is all I really hear other than the heavy sounds of my breaths. 

The event from yesterday is still stuck to me. I still remember my shock and his disappointment. I don't know why my father would do such a thing.

There was a huge dinner at the Malfoy Manor. It was hosted by my father, the most known wizard in the world. He wasn't known because he saved people from terror, nor was he known because he was a good man. Rather, he was the cause of the people's fear, the cause of the pain each person feels when a loved one dies in front of you. I know how that feels. I know how it feels to have one of the only people you love die in front of your eyes. That's how Mother left me. That's how my younger sister left me. 

I don't intend to let that happen to my brothers. 

My father might not be a good sight, but he has style. He wore a black outfit, one similar to the Malfoy son. It complimented his pale skin, bringing contrast to his appearance. He stood tall, confidently, assured that the power he had would result in him being the ruler of the world. The loyalty the death eaters showed him, showed us, proved that with one flick of a finger and a few manipulative words, one's mind can be twisted. 

I've also been taught and have experienced that fear comes to play when moving up the hierarchy. You first must create fear, then start to brew and sprinkle the loyalty over it. It takes time, but I am a Riddle, and a Riddle is ambitious and will wait when they need to.

The chatters of the death eaters quieten as my father clicks a spoon against his wine glass. As silence creeps upon us, my eyes flit over to Malfoy, who steadily rolls his sleeve up. His piercing blue eyes meet mine for a second, and I can see the empowering waves in his little ocean. But past the storm is something hidden. Something buried deep down under the reef, hidden in an undiscovered cave. Locked behind the strongest lock, only to be opened by the worthy.

"It's wonderful that you could all make it here," my father says, smiling evilly. "And to come so willingly, I am grateful for who my followers deemed to be."

Yeah, as if they had a choice, I thought to myself bitterly. 

If we had the privilege of choosing, I'd be far away from this wretched place we call home.

"But I haven't summoned you to praise you. I have summoned you so you can witness one of our youngest receive his death mark. His father has proved himself useful, and I presume that his son will live up to the expectations. As if he doesn't, if he proves himself worthless, then I will strip his soul bare from his body and laugh when he begs for mercy."

Silence seems to curl into itself. That's how afraid we are. I am scared of my own father. I fear what harm he can do to me. I am afraid what would happen if I say no.

An arm brushes mine. My gaze doesn't waver but I recognise the voice. "I swear he can't get any more pale but here he is," I hear my brother, Mattheo, whisper into my ear. "Malfoy seems to be pissing his pants."

I nod in agreement, not bothering to look over at the coward. "Of course he is. Whatever his mission would be, I believe it'll be something foolish. Something that might cause him to live a little," I reply, suppressing a smile as my brother chuckles. 

"You're right, Mara. He definitely needs to live a little."

"Draco Malfoy," my father beckons, and the platinum blond boy obeys, standing up and walking over to his lord. He stands as tall as him, but behind them I can see a young child cowering from the demon. I can see the reluctance, and perhaps my father can see it too, but that's what evil does to you.

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