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My eyes suddenly flash open. I don't know where I am. I'm laying in a bed that feels all too familiar. The sun shines through the curtains, lighting the room up with an orange-yellow hue. I sit up, my fingers reaching up to my neck. There's a small bump beneath my fingers, two slits in my flesh. How I ended up here is a hazy memory; I can feel my body jerk backwards, as if something lunged at me. My thoughts quickly dissipate when I hear chatter from outside the room. Footsteps approach the door, and I prepare myself for the unexpected as the door creaks open. A woman, with long brown hair and friendly hazel eyes of love enters the room. She laughs, her words inaudible.

"Who are you?" I question, but she leaves the room before answering my question. Getting out of bed is tough; my limbs feel numb and stiff. I finally stand onto my feet, my hand leaning against the wall as I exit the room. I... I know this place. The wooden floorboards, the walls, the little window at the end of the hallway. Peering outside, I see two boys older than me, playing with someone.

Why? Why do I know these people? Why do I know this house, when I can't remember anything at all? Turning away from the window, I walk towards the staircase. My hand touches the railing as I walk down. My gaze looks to the left, seeing the same woman standing in the kitchen. She's smiling as she washes her plate, looking out the window. Watching the two boys play with who I presume is their father. This family. This is a family. And I'm in their house.

I move closer to the woman. As I do, I notice the young girl clinging to her leg. She's showing her a drawing; six people. One tall, labelled 'dad', one shorter, labelled 'mum.' Smiles are on each stick figure, as bright as the sun in the corner and the messily coloured blue sky. Next to the mum and dad are the children. Two boys, two girls. They're all holding hands. The boys are the same height, and are wearing similar clothes. One of them wears it casually, with his cap sitting on his head backwards and his shirt splotched with dirt. The other one looks more professional, with a cleaner shirt and neater hair. Their names ring a bell, but it's faint and far in the distance.

Tom and Mattheo.

Then, as my gaze shifts, I observe the two girls. One is taller than the other, but not as tall as the boys. Her hair is brown, and cascading over her shoulder. Her eyes are wide and brown too. She's holding her younger sister's hand, who's wearing a pink dress and the biggest smile known to mankind.

Mara and Teresa.

My name.

And... Her name. Who is that? Who is she?

"What a lovely drawing," the woman says, patting her head. The young child grinned, before she looked at me. And she hugged me.

"Do you like my drawing, Mara?" She asked, stepping on her tip toes to shove the drawing into my face.

"Yes, I do," I say.

"This is our dad, our mum, our brothers, and then me and you," she pointed at the figures, one by one.

Our dad.

Our mum.

Our brothers.

My family.

Our family.

This is my sister. And my mother. And the boys playing outside are my brothers. And that man--

A flashback pops into my mind. How I died, how my father had turned into a vicious beast in greed for power. How his snake killed me.

How he killed my mother and sister all those years ago.

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