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Mattheo told me that the Snatchers have brought in a prisoner. I've been stuck in my room for a few days, since the recent incident that has literally gotten a knife to my neck.

I ponder about who it is, in fear that it could be one of the friends I made at Hogwarts. But it had to be a special one to keep alive, right? If it was some random student taken, they would've been disposed of after Voldemort declares they're not needed.. Right?

Someone knocks on my room door. I jolt up, looking upwards. I give permission for them to come in- it's Draco. He slips in, closes the door behind him and sits in front of me, his warm hands gently grabbing ahold of mine.

"They've brought in a prisoner," he informs me. He looks into my eyes. "It's not any of our friends, though. Not Potter, Weasley or the mudblood either. It's some Ravenclaw that is supposedly friends with them."

I frown, try recalling any Ravenclaw I saw with Potter or the other two. Oh! Is Draco talking about the girl Potter took to Slughorn's party? I'm sure I saw a girl with him- someone who wasn't Hermione and someone who was a Ravenclaw.

"Littlegood?" I mumble. "Is that her name?"

Draco snaps his fingers. "Lovegood! Luna Lovegood! That's her name!"

I smile softly. "Is she the girl Potter took to Slughorn's party?"

His eyebrows knit. "I'm not sure."

I nod. "That's okay. Um.. Did you need something? Like, did you come over because something else happened..?"

"Well, I think you can leave your room now. The dark lord isn't present for most of the time. And the dungeons is somewhere he'd never go to anyways..."

A faint smile crawls onto my lips. "You know you're a life saver, yeah?"

He presses against my hand when I raise it to cup his left cheek. His hand on top of mine comforts me and assures me that he shall forever attempt to be my knight in shining armor.

"I know."

This time, though, I think to myself. This time I'll be your life saver.

"Is there any way that, perhaps, I could go over and see Luna?"

His eyebrows furrow. "Yeah, possibly. Why would you want to see her, though?" He asks, perplexed.

So I can save you. Save us.

"Maybe the company I'm receiving these days is boring the crap out of me," I joke.

Draco pretends to be offended. "Rude! Might as well stop giving you my precious company then."

I kiss him. "Nooo, I need your precious company."

"C'mon," he whispers against my lips. "Let's get you to Lovegood, eh?"

He grabs my hand, pulling me towards the exit of the room. I follow, laughing as he opens the door and begins running down the hall. He's quite fast, and I stumble multiple times before finally falling forward. Fortunately, Draco catches me, my face banging into his chest. He holds me there, trying his best not to drop me from laughing too hard. I laugh too, my arms wrapping around his neck, pulling myself up. When my eyes meet Draco's, I see a figure behind him. Uncomfortable showing affection to Draco in front of someone else, I break away to see his mother smirking. She gives us a I'm going look before turning back and speeding off. I'm embarrassed and red but the feeling of humiliation quickly fades away as Draco leads me down the stairs. He looks to the left, scans the surroundings and then darts to the other room with me running behind him. Our way to the dungeons goes by fast, and when I reach the dark staircase that leads down to the cell door, I pause.

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