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The faint light streaming through the curtains awakens me. It's early in the morning— perhaps too early for me to get ready. I remain in my bed, stretching slightly as I blink the sleep out of my eyes. 

The sounds of birds chirping soothe me. I relax slightly, closing my eyes for a moment. I'm half asleep when the sound of running water rushes from the bathroom. I sit up, afraid who could possibly be showering in my bathroom.


Our bathroom.

I immediately drop back onto my bed, getting used to the sound of water hitting the tiles. But I can't find sleep so I decide to get ready. My Hogwarts uniform is ironed and manufactured to fit me— it hangs behind the front door. 

I push the quilt off me, then get up. I yawn behind my hand, then feel the cold wooden floor under my feet as I walk to get my uniform. 

I quickly slip into it, the partial reason being that Malfoy could walk in thinking this door lead to his own dorm. 

I check my schedule. Great. 

Professor Slughorn. 

First I need to know where the heck his classroom is, then maybe I can start complaining.


"Thanks," I mutter under my breath, not in favour of appreciating him.

"It's my class too," he replies. "You tagged along."

"Thank you nonetheless," I snap. Just how ungrateful is this brat? I'm fucking thanking him, and being kind. At least humour me in return! "For attending your class and leading me here."

Malfoy scoffs, his voice devoid of thankfulness. "You better be."

"No problem? Yeah, I hope it won't become one," I retort. "But I can make it one if I tell my father about the disrespect you're showing me," I threaten.

We reach the classroom door. He turns on his heel, raising his eyebrows. "None of this when we're inside."

"And why not?" I inquire. What, he doesn't want other people seeing me absolutely shut him up?

He doesn't reply, just pushes the door open and walks inside. I follow him in, seeing the eyes of the Gryffindors trail me as I stand next to Pansy. 

"Good morning!" She whispers to me, grinning. 

"Morning," I say. I look around, then ask, "where's Daphne?" 

"Oh, I honestly don't know. She must be running late, or be hooking up with Blaise in some random closet."

I swallow. "With Blaise?" I grimace. Daphne... could do better, honestly. "Are they in a relationship?"

She giggles at my disapproval. "No. They're 'friends with benefits'," she sighs, shaking her head, smiling at the thought. "I'm sure there's more to it, though."

"There should be," I say, crossing my arms over my chest when I catch Malfoy looking at me. "It's disgusting if they're not together but leaving marks on each other's necks."

Pansy giggles. "You mean giving each other hickeys? I believe that they're way past that."

The door opens. I see Slughorn enter the classroom. He searches the room (possibly for a glimpse of Harry Potter,) but when his eyes meet mine, his solemn face grows bright and he offers me a friendly smile. He says something, but I believe that it was more to himself rather than to me.

"Class, I am Professor Slughorn,"  he introduces, even if we all know who he is. "I will be your professor for potions for the rest of the year. It will be an honor to teach you all."

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