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(Draco's POV)

I left the shrieking shack the moment I didn't find the body there. Where the hell did it go? Was Hermione wrong? Perhaps she might have died after they left and attempted to try to leave?

Or is she even dead at all?

I swallow. Don't get your hopes high, I think to myself. I can't do that to myself. I shouldn't. How the fuck am I supposed to move on then?

As I return to the schoolgrounds, I see that the two sides are standing in front of each other. I blend in with the school's students, keeping my head ducked. My stomach twists as I see Hagrid, the man I used to disregard a child. From here, I can see his sombre expression. His usually grinning face is no longer existent, instead replaced by a frown. He's carrying a body, Potter's body, in his arms.

"Harry Potter," Voldemort exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his pale face. He laughed wickedly. "Is dead!"

The death eaters laugh and cheer. I see Aunt Bella smirk cruelly.

"No!" The Weasley girl shrieks. Her primal cry rings out loud, and she lunges towards him. Her father holds her back, keeping her from doing something stupid.

"Foolish girl," Voldemort says, gesturing to the body. "In this fight, in this bloodshed, was this man here for you? Did he protect you? Has he given the peace he promised to give? While you were mourning the death of your family and friends, he gave you simply his prayers. While you were fighting for him, he was begging for mercy. Do not waste your tears on him. Do not waste your energy fighting for someone who didn't care for you. He betrayed you all and willingly came to me without a thought of you all in his pathetic heart."

"Liar!" Weasley yelled. I wince when Voldemort flicks his wand and he falls onto his knees, grimacing in pain.

"Did you not hear me? Harry Potter is dead! From this day forward, put your faith in me!" His snake hisses as he beckons us all his way. "Declare yourself!"

I feel targeted when my father looks in my direction. I freeze, trying to keep concealed but he spots me anyways.

"Draco," he beckons, tipping his head. His nod is curt, his smile stretched into a thin smile.

I hesistate. I can't go. That's betraying Mara, betraying everything she has died for. She was killed trying to make things right, and I can't be a coward and let it go all to waste. I would be so selfish for it.

"Don't be stupid, Draco," my father says, as if he sees my defiance written on my face. Why, what a miracle. He usually never knows what I want, or feel. He usually never cares. And now that I'm taking a stand against him, he suddenly wants to be a father.

"Come, Draco," my mother beckons. Her voice is softer. I know she loves me. The only reason she's here is to keep me safe, by doing the wrong things. But I found someone who could do the same, but by doing the right thing. And now she's dead.

"No," I stammer. Weasley and Hermione look at me in surprise, but relief soon spreads across their expressions. "He killed Mara," I point at him, trying to hide my cracking voice. "He's a killer! If he can't even spare his own daughter, why the fuck would he spare the rest of you?"

Now that I've said them, I realize just how right I am. He killed his own daughter for power. What's stopping him from doing the same to everyone else? That man has no love in his black heart; it's all just greed for power, and the need to conquer.

"How disappointing," Voldemort says, but he doesn't look disappointed at all. "Anyone else? Would anyone else like to step forward, and join us? Or will you all cower behind, like idiots believing in false hope?"

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