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I spit sand out of my mouth as I get off my belly. Draco lies beside me, confused. I see sand in his hair so I brush it out. He lets me pick it out.

I observe our surroundings. We're at some beach- it's quite a sight despite the grey clouds and the overlapping waves.

"What the fuck--" Draco curses.

"I'll explain everything later," I cut in. "Just help me find the others."

"Why?" He asks.

"Just trust me," I say. "Can you do that?"

He nods. I hurriedly look around for a glimpse of Luna's hair, or the sound of triumph, but when I get closer to the figures Draco spots in the distance, I hear sobbing.

"Let's close his eyes," Luna says. "Now he looks like he's sleeping."

My heart sinks when Luna backs away to reveal Dobby's corpse. A dagger has plunged itself in his side, and I recognise it was Bella's. She... She must've thrown it last moment. It must've hit Dobby at our last seconds there. 

"You!" Harry yells when he sees me. Wrath consumes him as he jumps upon me. I yelp as he hits me. "Because of you, he's dead! If we had left without you, he would've been alive!"

Draco kicks Harry off me. My love swings his arm and shatters Potter's jaw. "Don't you fucking hit her--"

Luna and Hermione rush over to me, assist me up. I don't know who points their wand and heals my nose up but all I can see is Ron, with all his might, preventing Draco from beating the shit out of Harry.

"It is my fault, isn't it?" I ask Hermione. "I was too slow. If I--"

"No, it isn't," she interrupts. "He's just in the state of grief. He's tried to find something or someone to accuse, and he saw you. So he then... attacked you.."

"If this was in any other circumstance, I would've killed the bastard," I curse.

"I bet you would've," she assures.

Luna tears a piece of her pant and presses it against the bleeding gash on the back of my head. I must have banged my head against a rock when Potter shoved me to the ground.

Draco comes to me when Harry walks off, carrying Dobby's body. I ask where he's going and my boyfriend tells me it's to do with Muggle Funerals. I don't understand the fact that Muggles have different ways to practise a funeral-

"I'm going to kill him," Draco murmurs to me. "He dared hit you! Hit you in front of me?!"

I sigh. "That was unpredicted of him," I agree. "Since he did seem eager to help us out of there."

Malfoy's blue eyes meet mine. "So, now that's all happened and I'm left in more of a confused state, care to explain what the fuck just happened and why he was blaming you of that elf's death?"

I nod. "I'll explain. Just let me.." I feel a little dizzy- Draco stabilises me.

We reach the cottage. Luna, Hermione and Ron allow me to rest in the guest room. Who knee Harry could give a blow to the head that hard?

Draco sits beside me. I'm not that injured, but moving too much gets my world spinning and gets the stars to come touch the Earth.

"So I asked Luna for a favour," I start off, breathing heavily. "I asked her to protect you and to always choose you over me. She agreed to it, and she did so because she could see how much it meant to me that in the end, you survived. So when Potter and the other two were caught, I had the best idea that they took you with them- because of course they were going to escape. While suggesting this, Luna had cut in and said that if they were going to take you, I can hop along. Harry and Ron accepted the idea. We all knew Hermione would've been the most willing to take me and you too. So I had generated the plan to, while Dobby created the portal, we make it seem that it's all a duel but really just a time pass for us all to get together. And I would've told you about it beforehand but I was afraid that you wouldn't have come along or-or it wouldn't work out in the end..."

He looks at me, full of love, incandescent affection in his eyes. He leans in, pecks my forehead. "Love, that doesn't mean your life can be risked for mine. True, I would've tweaked your plan up according to how I would've done it, prioritising you, of course," I smile softly as he grins.

"Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt-" I hear Hermione stutter at the door. Draco pulls away from me, sending a narrowing look towards her. I sit up.

"You didn't interrupt anything," I reply. "Do you need something?"

Draco remains silent.

Granger's gaze flits between us before she says, "oh yeah, um, well Luna is going to stay at Bill and Fleur's place. For the time being... Would you want to join her?"

I glance at my boyfriend. He seems to undertake the question. But I'm pondering about something else. "What about you? Where will you be going off to?"

Hermione grins at me. "Well we've got a horcrux search to continue. If you really want, I think it would be quite--"

"We'll take the first option," Draco intervenes, sending a plastic smile in her direction. "Thank you, Gra- Hermione."

She seems astonished by his choice of manners, while here I am feeling proud.

When she leaves, I speak up. "We could've gone with them, y'know," I meet his eyes. "Could've been our little way to redeem ourselves, yeah? Daughter of the dark lord and her boyfriend destroy a piece of her father's soul," I exaggerate my hand gestures.

"Hmm, that doesn't sound bad," he scrunches his nose. "But then again, we could make out all day without your brother or my mother walking in if we go to this Bill's house."

I laugh, feeling bashful. "I'm flattered by your proposal but we can do that after the war ends. For the rest of our lives. Redemption, though, is the problem."

"And so what if everyone hates us? Wouldn't the phrase 'us against the world' be a little literal?"

"Too literal, hah. But think about it!"

He shakes his head. "No, we are definitely not going with them."

I sigh, exasperated and defeated. Then a thought comes to my mind. "Don't tell me it's because of Harry!"

"That's exactly why, my love," his finger traces my jawline. "He hurt my pretty princess and that is the only reason we won't give them our precious company. Besides, your safety will also be risked. And mine too! Don't you want to protect me?" He gives me puppy dog eyes with a silly pout.

I push his face away gently, giggling. "Don't be stupid."

"I'll stop if you'll come to Bill's house with me."

I consider it, then give in. "Fine. But who even is Bill anyways?"

A short chapter for y'all (I promise that the next one will be longer <3)

This chapter was just a story continual and a Drara moment :)

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