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A/N: Let's just say that Theodore Nott was invited to Slughorn's dinner (I researched that he wasn't, due to his death eater position, but then the dinner event would be not so useful for me to write.) By the way, the plot of this chapter is kind of off, but I'm not entirely following either movie or books especially since Mara Riddle has been added.

P.S. thank you for a 100 reads!!!

I forced myself to get prepared for Slughorn's dinner. I usually wouldn't bother on such occasions, but I needed to distract myself from my argument with Draco and I heard Theo would be there. I didn't really have time to talk to him after our small kiss, one of the reasons being he totally disappeared for a few days.

I look at myself in the mirror, holding the dress against my body.

I look at myself in the mirror, holding the dress against my body

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Even if I don't care, I'm not going to go dressed as a pig.

I'm going to go like a queen.

I'm late. Very late. I think I've missed dinner. But the thought vanishes when I see the way they all look at me; comparably, I'm overdressed. But that makes me feel superior. The fact that Theo can't take his eyes off me makes me feel confident.

"Apologies for my unpunctuality," I say slowly, moving towards my seat. In the corner of my eye, I see Theo push Blaise harshly.

"Sit here," Zabini suggests, standing up and moving to another empty seat. Theo smirks at me as I pull out the chair.

"Your punctuality is unique, Miss Riddle," Slughorn grins at me. "Unlike your father, who was always the earliest."

The mention of the dark lord creates tension among the guests. Some look at me, curious of my reaction (Potter, of course.)

I fake a laugh. "You sure remember quite thoroughly," I keep one eye on Potter, and one on Slughorn. "He was rather a great student, wasn't he? Clever, independent, ambitious..."

Granger clears her throat. I look over and see some random boy licking his fingers and staring at her.



Fortunately, that revolting boy sat in front of me. To relieve Granger's discomfort, I kick the boy's leg, my shoe digging into his leg.

He looks at me in pain, grunting as I send him a what are you looking at? expression.

The bushy haired Gryffindor seems to pick up my support, so she sends me a smile.

That's when Slughorn asks her about her 'dentist' parents, and she starts rambling about them. But I'm not listening because my attention is focused somewhere else.

"So," Theo whispers to me, his breath hot against my ear.

"Hmm," I reply, trying to focus on the bigger conversation, but failing to do so miserably.

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