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We bump into Snape on our way to the Gryffindor common room. I don't understand how he recognised us in the crowd of students and people we were walking through, but somehow he spotted us and has taken us into his office. I glance at Luna, purse my lips. Draco grasps my arm in assurance.

I'll just sweet talk my way out of this one too.

"Miss Riddle," my name rolls off his tongue. I can see the appalled look behind his solemn expression. "And Mr Malfoy."

"Professor Snape," I tip my head. "How has being the headmaster of Hogwarts been for you?" Play it cool and smart, Mara. I grasp Draco's hand behind my leg, signalling him to be quiet. He squeezes my hand back, and I'm grateful he seems to listen to me.

"It's been pleasant. Without Potter and his friends trying to save the day." Snape's gaze tears through my soul. I hear Draco scoff in agreement. "What are you two doing here?" Severus asks. His dark eyes flit over to Luna. "With the recent prisoner?"

I swallow. "We've been sent to get information on your current situation. Apologies for not alerting you earlier, but as I tell anyone who asks, Father has sent me on short notice and has told nobody to avoid corrupted followers to exploit our plans and destroy our careful plotting." A lump settles in my throat. My mouth feels dry. So are my lips. But if I lick them, it might come off as nervousness. And nervousness can often be taken as an attempt to hide lies.

Snaps seems to recognise my feelings. He raises an eyebrow, and I can feel Draco's hand squeeze mine. I'm sweating profusely, at the thought of being caught just after slipping in so cleverly. I'm a little embarrassed to hold Draco's hand while my hands are all wet, but his squeeze of my hand reassures me that he doesn't mind.

"Alright," Snape says warily, his eyes narrowed in our direction. He might know something's up, but he isn't in the position to question me. From their side, I am still a superior. Someone you must obey in order to survive. As I move away, I don't hide how tightly I'm grasping Draco's hand. Luna walks besides me, and I feel her grip on my other hand. The gesture warms my heart, and I keep walking, squeezing her hand in response. Luna is too sweet. I'm glad she's accepted me so quickly. People need to be like her- strange, but accepting of it.

Luna leads the two of us to the Gryffindor common room. Many death eaters pass us, giving us strange, perplexed looks. I merely nod in their direction, my expression flat, like their brains. They don't question me as I stride past them. My confident and calm demeanour terrifies them, I suppose. How one bad word from me to my father will have their souls escaping their bodies quicker than you can imagine. Well, I guess I can't do that anymore.

I'm too busy in my thoughts and Draco's touch when Luna mutters the password and enters the room. The door quickly closes behind us as everyone turns their heads in our direction, their eyes widening at the sight of our faces. They become alert, quickly gathering as a group, until Luna raises our intertwined hands and says, "They're on our side."

For a moment, it's silent. I decide to break it, since silence is something I fear now. "Look, we might not all like each other," My hazel eyes flit between each of them. "But we have mutual interests. Interests meaning the desire to end my father's cruelty and kill him."

I can almost hear surprise crawling between the gaps of the people, whispering in their ears, having their lips part in shock. I stand straight, not reacting as I see some of the Gryffindors gesture to my and Draco's locked hands. Before he can slip his hand away from mine, I hold onto it tighter. Love won't be repressed due to judgements. I will show it freely. As I please. Especially when it comes to Malfoy.

"You're his daughter, though," Ginny says, raising an eyebrow. "What made you change sides? Are you sure you're not tricking us?"

I glance over at her, examine her serious expression. At least she's decent enough to not charge at me and tie me up, like I'd imagined them all to do. 

"Well," I begin. "I don't blame you all for lacking trust in me. But if my attention were to trick you all, my plan wouldn't have consisted of such long and unnecessary steps. I would have walked in here, and killed each and every one of you, or have the death eaters make your lives miserable. But I'm here, standing in front of you, defenceless. If you all choose to attack me, I won't hurt you back. I'm desperate to escape a cage that my father has inlaid upon me. I know my blood and heritage comes from an evil man, but I promise you I'm not lying when I tell you that I truly do want to join your side and deem victorious against a reign that I won't ever wish to see."

Ginny goes quiet. I can see her mind working like gears through her eyes. I glance over at the other Gryffindors, trying to read their thoughts. I'm sure my words must have had some sort of effect, right?

"I was imprisoned," Luna speaks up on my behalf. "But Mara came and saved me. Even under the gaze of her own father and the numerous amount of death eaters around. Her brother could have even caught her. But she still risked her life to save me. Both Hermione and I decided to help her escape with us. She will benefit us greatly, I know it."

"But she's a Riddle," Some Ravenclaw says. My gaze slides over to her and I recognise her. Cho something. "How can we trust her? I trust your judgment, Luna, but we all know Riddles are cunning. She could just be playing you as a pawn in a bigger game."

"You're right," Luna replies to my surprise. "But what do we have to risk? The pros outweigh the cons. She's like... an inside spy, for the time being. Until the death eaters here discover about her betrayal."

Ginny raises a hand to her chin, contemplating. "That's true. But what about Malfoy?" 

I didn't even think it would be possible for the room's atmosphere to grow more tense. Despite my status and family name, Draco is clearly more despised. He was a bully that everyone in this room must've witnessed. Take Ginny, for example. I can practically see the hate illuminating from her aura. Draco lowers his gaze in shame. He seems to be rehearsing a script in his head, so I don't speak up for him like I was planning to.

He releases my hand as his ice blue eyes trail upwards, clearing his throat as he spoke. "I know I've been cruel to each and every one of you in my past years. I've said hurtful things, have used curse words that muggle borns would deem offensive. I don't know how to apologise without sounding desperate. But for the time being, we need to move past that. After the war, after our victory, you can always return to hating me, and getting revenge. But today, and until our definite triumph, we're on the same side. We can't win if we're broken as a team. I know it isn't to your liking to see me standing here. But I am. And I want to help."

His words hang in the hair. My eyebrows are raised; despite how much I know him, I've never expected such wise and inspiring words from him. His gaze meets mine and he smiles gently, knowing he's impressed me. Draco's too adorable once you get to know him. I hope one day everyone will see that.

Everyone seems to be a little enchanted by his words, in spite of their hatred. 

"Hate to admit it, but Malfoy's right," a dark skinned Gryffindor says. "We need to work together. After that, we can all beat his ass."

I laugh at that, and so does Draco. "I give you permission."

I smile at his words. My shoulders relax from their stiff position. I'm finally finding hope in this all. Even if my family—Voldemort, Tom, Mattheo— are against me, the family I want to keep forever is here, under this roof. Draco, the person I want to spend the rest of my life. Friends who will comfort me. Harry, Ron, Hermione; they're going to come here soon. And then... it's like my found family complete.

"Harry's gonna come back soon," a Gryffindor says. I think his name is Seamus. "We gotta wait until then. Who's up for a game of wizard's chess?"

I raise my hand in attempt of loosening up, and Seamus nods, gesturing for me to follow him to a table. I glance over my shoulder at Draco, who watches me leave. I smile, my curled lips inviting for him to follow, but he smiles back, communicating that he'll be alright. I nod, the concern slowly diminishing.

I'm so lucky that everything has turned out the way I wanted it to turn out.

I'm sure that I'll jinx that up, though.

This is how I felt before my mother and sister were taken away from me.

I can't help but doubt this peace is ephemeral.

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