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The walls begin to shake, as if an earthquake is taking place. The newly lit torches begin to flicker, and people begin to scream. It makes me assume that something is getting to their head, their hands covering their ears in a helpless attempt to block it. Closer, and closer and closer. It brushes past me, to Draco, who winces and presses against his temples. I fall onto my knees next to him when the whispers reach my head. 

Everyone is a replica of how I'm sitting. On their knees, blocking their ears, their eyes squeezed shut. Noses scrunched up with agony. Hearts pounding, fear lacing every sense and emotion. 

The whispering voice is recognisable. I know who it is, and it scares me. I hate it. I hate having to be reminded of him, again and again. I hate that I'm related to him, that he's my fucking father.

And there's nothing about that I can change. 

"I know you all will fight," he says, as if that's not what he's doing himself. This is war, Father, I think bitterly to myself, amongst the screaming in my head. We're supposed to fight back.

"Some will think that is wise, but you all are only being foolish. I wish you no harm. Hogwarts was once my home, as it is for you all."

Don't lie. You don't care about Hogwarts. You don't care about its students. All you care about is your dignity, your pride, your power. Your crushed ego, and the fact that a stupid baby killed you off and stole your magic. Don't pretend to be compassionate.

"But I only ask for two things, sweet children."

Sweet children? Don't you dare try to play nice, Voldemort. My head is a nasty place, filled with curses and unspoken thoughts of hate. 

"Give me Harry Potter."

Because you can't get him yourself, you silly, weak excuse of a wizard.

"And give me my daughter."

My bones chill at those five words. Draco looks up at me, tears glinting in his eyes. But he's more concerned about me. About what I have to do, about what people will make me do. The whispers disappear - I can almost hear Voldemort grin, knowing that I heard his message. That I'm no longer on his side.

"His daughter?" People murmur. I keep my gaze low, acting to scratch my forehead to hide my face.

"There she is!" One of the Slytherins point at me. I'm ambushed by slurs, curses, and threats, but a familiar face moves towards me. She shuts everyone up, before pulling me into a hug.

"Mara!" Pansy shrieks, suffocating me. She embraces me tightly, like if she needs to test that I'm actually here. "You're here!"

I smile slightly, patting her back. "I'm here. Not to be suffocated, so please let go of me."

She holds onto me for a moment longer before pulling away. "You're here," she repeats with a smile. A proud one, which is heartwarming.

"I'm here," I say again. Pansy glances at Draco, suddenly hugging him too. He gives me an awkward look, pushing her away. She's too excited about our return to notice it.

That's when the large doors to the hall explode open, and we all look over at it. Instead of a threat, there stands Filch, exclaiming, "there's students out of bed!"

Pansy snickers as McGonagal smacks her head. "They're meant to be, you daft baboon!"

"Oh." The realization appears on his face in the forms of a blush.

"However, now that you're here," she pauses. I wait for her to continue, looking at her. She meets my gaze. "Escort the Slytherins... To the dungeon."

Murmurs arise among the crowd, before the cheers grow louder. I push through the others, heading towards the professor.

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