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It took me some time to find the others. While I was fully alive and healed, my body still felt sore and stiff. The feeling of my mother and sister's touch lingered, an intangible source of encouragement. And once I finally took control of my body, once my limbs began to obey me, I left the shack.

I made my way to the school as quickly as possible. I used anything near me as support; the trees, the occasional rock. Sometimes I'd fall and I'd crawl for a moment, before I force myself back up.

I somehow end up within the school walls. A little climbing, a little backtrack, a little sidewalk. Clouds stretch across the grey sky, reflecting the gloomy atmosphere the school has adopted. I keep my eyes peeled for anyone I know; everyone thinks I'm dead. Voldemort thinks he removed one of his enemies. But I have only risen from the dead to make sure I help put him six feet under the ground; the place he deserves to be. A dark, lonely place, as suffocating as his presence. It's empty inside. Other than the obnoxious stench of wounded bodies and blood, there's no one in sight. My heart sinks to my stomach as I pass the bodies, all their faces covered by a thin grey sheet. What if it's someone I know? What if, while I was being saved, someone else was dying? What if one of the bodies I'm passing is Draco? Or Pansy, or Daphne? I shake my head, my fingers clenching into fists. I'm tempted to check each of their faces, pulling the sheets off their faces like a groom does to his bride's veil. But I can't. That's disrespect to their souls. May they rest in peace.

The closer I get to the front of the school, the louder the voices are. I can hear Longbottom's voice, finishing off a speech I didn't get to listen to. My eyes scan the crowd; Hermione is alive. Ron is too. So is Luna, and Ginny, and almost every other face I saw in the Gryffindor common room. Wait.

I squint over at the body Hagrid is holding. No...


I swallow. He tried to save me. He tried his best, and now... And now he's gone. My throat goes dry. I shudder slightly, before deciding to push through the crowd and find Draco. Does he know? Did Hermione rush back to him and tell him that I died? Will he be happy to see me again?

I'm pulled to the side when Neville unsheathes a sword. A long, shining blade that people are surprised to see. I can only assume it's the Gryffindor sword. I look up, meeting Luna's gaze. Her eyebrows raise slightly. "Mara?" She asked.

"Shush," I mutter, before giving her a small smile. "Yes, it's me."

She looks at me confused. Before she can say anything, a tiny explosion rings, and I jump at the loud sound. That's when Harry rolls out of Hagrid's grasp and all of a sudden, Voldemort is fighting him and the rest are helping him. The crowd I am quickly separates as battle commences yet again. I try to follow Draco, but I'm dragged into a fight. Using my wand, I quickly kill off the perpetrators, before pacing towards my brother.

He's managed to unarm Draco, and now is standing over him. Shit.

I rush towards them, taking long strides before I push my hands forward and collide with Tom. The momentum of my speed has us both fall. I land on top of him, but I quickly recover. He looks up at me, eyes widening. My fish connects with his nose, again and again, before I can hear a satisfactory crack. There's blood on my knuckles, coating the newly forming bruises. I groan, shuffling back to Draco's bleeding body. He's whimpering, the cuts on his body deepening with each second he doesn't get healed. His pale skin is bathing in red, his blood sticky as I grab my wand and think of the reverse spell.

"Vulnera Sanentur," I say, and miraculously, his cuts and wounds heal up, all his drained blood seeping back into his body like they're returning home from a short trip away. Like if they never went away at all.

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