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"What was the thing Tom wanted me to know?" I ask Draco, my finger tracing his arm as I snuggle in close to him. He's in my room, lying under the quilt with me. His muscular arms hold me close— his decision to hug me shirtless has tingles sprinting up and down my body. I feel warm under his touch, and his hot breath tinkles my ear as he whispers, "he wanted you to know he's sorry. And..." 

He pauses. His act of silence has me curious. "And...?"

I turn to face him. He leans in, lips practically on mine as he whispers, "he told me you're not safe here anymore."

I grunt against his mouth, looking into his eyes. I try to lighten the mood up— "like I didn't know already."

"I won't let them do anything to you," he mumbles, thumb caressing my upper cheek bone. "I can't let anything happen to you. You're my life."

I smile, pecking his nose. "And you are my soul, baby. Don't you ever leave me."

His hand rubs my arm. "Of course I won't."

He pulls me into a passionate kiss. But we're interrupted by someone storming into my room, ordering for me to—

"Mara?" Mattheo stammers, studying me and Draco lying in the same bed. His eyes widen in realisation, and I quickly pull out of my love's grasp. I subconsciously pull the quilt over his exposed chest, fortunately finding myself in a thin layer of clothing. If I had gotten into just my undergarments, Mattheo would've thought something more extreme was happening. 

"Mattheo! Learn to knock!" I snap, irritated and embarrassed my own brother saw me making out with someone—

His eyes narrow to Draco. I can see the slight wrath in his eyes as Draco puts on a awkward smile and gestures for Matt to look away. When my brother averts his fiery gaze, Malfoy climbs out of bed, flexes his muscles playfully behind my sibling's back (I can't help but giggle at his frankness and looseness) and grabs the shirt he came in wearing. 

"I need to use the bathroom," he mutters, slipping into the bathroom and locking the door behind him. I try to avoid my brother's glare of fire but eventually give in to only find him smirking at me. 

"So?" He starts off. "I—"

"Before you bombard me with questions," I cut in, making myself loud and clear. "We've been dating for a while, okay? It's been, what, a few days? And those few days have been the best of my life! I love him, I love Draco, because he's been there for me when my own brothers have not! He's the reason I'm here, the reason I haven't 'Avada Kedavra' my own ass yet," I snap, using a mocking tone for the words in inverted commas. "So don't tell me to do anything but love him, don't tell me to feel otherwise, don't tell me that he doesn't deserve me because I'm the one who doesn't deserve him! I don't deserve him." I reiterate.

Mattheo looks at me, pondering where this side of me birthed. An omniscient attitude radiates off him.

"And no, you do not know--"

Draco opens the bathroom door. He stands there awkwardly, and then I'm reminded that he was in there all along and I was loud enough for him to hear me--

The back of my neck reddens. My brother exchanges a look I can't decipher with him. Malfoy smirks slightly.

Matt then claps his hands together, and then turns, leading the both of us out of here. This event was imminent, yes, but I didn't know it would happen this quickly and now--

"Um, so why did you need us?" I ask.

My brother continues walking. "We've captured three new prisoners," he explains. "And Father has requested you both take a look at them."

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