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A/N: Thank you so much for 1k views! Love y'all <333

(Draco's POV)

Mara groups us up into one circle. She looks around, her arm wrapping around my shoulder before she starts speaking.

"We're going to fight," she says, giving each and every one of us a firm look. Her hazel eyes linger on my face for longer, before dropping it. "We need to buy Harry time. While he searches for the horcruxes, we will be protecting the school. Trying our best to prevent the death eaters and fucking Voldemort from entering the school."

"How will we do that?" Parkinson asks, a confused expression plastered on her face.

"By fighting," I say dully. Is she dumb?

Mara scoffed, shooting me a tight smile. "Yes, by fighting. But we would do better without a fight. There are protective charms that the professors and the students will use."

"Let's join them, then," I suggest, my hand brushing Mara's lower back. I lead her outside, where the professors and students stand. Raising my wand, I say in sync with everyone:

"Protego Maxima,

Finato Duri, 

Repello Inimicum."

As we say those spells, a magical shield grows around the castle. A blue colour, almost transparent, letting nothing in or nothing out. We continue chanting those words until Hogwarts is fully covered from the dome. I look to my side, see Professor McGonagall grin as she brings the stone statues to life. The ground shakes from their footsteps, loud thuds as they march to the front, their armour intact and their swords gripped with two hands. I see some of the teachers and students approaching the wooden bridge, a front line of some sort. The Slytherins remain back, just in case they fail to keep the death eaters from breaking the shield and keeping them away from the school ground.

I can see the shield absorbing the magic the death eaters use against it. Each spell bounces off it, deeming not to be strong enough. But can the shield stand strong against it? How long will it hold before it breaks? And when it does, what will happen? A fight. Bloodshed, screams of agony grief, every emotion I don't want to feel. Pain, mourning, sadness. What happens if I can't protect Mara, or my friends? What happens if I can't protect myself? What would I do if I have to hold their dying bodies in my hands, feel their souls being stripped from their corpses? Can I even survive that?

"We'll be alright," Mara says, as if she could read my thoughts. Maybe she can, knowing that I'm scared for my life.

Or maybe she just knows me too well.

That's when the shield is hit with a powerful strike, and it completely shatters from it. I can see the students and teachers near the bridge flee in our direction, as the death eaters storm our way. That hit... 

It could only be the dark lord's act. He has the elder wand. He's invincible, unless Potter can destroy the horcruxes before he destroys us all.

I take a step back when the bridge begins to blow up. I see a figure running towards us, one I can only assume as Longbottom. I barely know him, and I'm sure I used to bully him too. But in this moment, the only thing I wish is that he makes it. Alive.

Everyone is where we are. I glance at Mara, who gives me a confident look.

My heart sinks when I see fucking giants approaching us, completely abolishing the stone statues. Death eaters follow, shooting spells back and forth. I block many of them, my eyes flitting side to side. There's just so many of them. I don't see any faces I recognise dying, but there are bodies. Numerous bodies toppling to the floor. Either killed from being hit by a spell, flattened by the weight of a giant, or torn apart from a statue's blade.

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