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I've been informed that the golden trio have set out searching for horcruxes.

Mattheo and Tom repeatedly insist that the two of them would go out and search for them. Father rejects the idea, shuts it down, suggests that the Snatchers would catch them. Tells that he needs both of them to remain hidden diminish the chances of them being abducted; or worse, killed.

Me and Draco haven't had time to talk. He's been busy with his mother and father- usually locked up into their room together. Sometimes I pass and press my ear lightly against the door. Muffled whispers, quiet exchanges. I don't listen for too long, afraid someone would catch me.

Today is an exception.

They're louder today.

"Draco, you can tell me." Narcissa. Someone gets rather close to the door. The handle is pushed down, scaring the shit out of me.

"No, I can't!" It's him. He's the one leaving the room.

"Why can't you? You know there's no other way."

Lucius seems to not be in the room, or has, for once, shut his mouth.

I let go of the handle the moment it gets pushed. The door opens; I panick, overthinking it--

"Is it because of her?"

He freezes. I can see that he releases the handle. He pulls the door shut.

"Why do you think its always because of her?"

He seems more distant. He must have moved closer to his mother.

"Because I can see it in your eyes."

"See what?"

Are they talking about me?
Yes. I'm referred to as her when they two talk about me.

"That you.." a quiet clear of the throat.

"That you love her."


I peer myself closer to the door, my heart racing. I trip over my feet, landing harshly against the wood, causing the inside people to become alert.


I quickly run to the end of the hallway. I can hear the door opening, feel the somebody look around. Footsteps of that person come closer to me. I style myself again, pretend to be casual, then walk out the hallway.

"Excuse-- Narcissa," I fume, looking at her face.

She smiles at me, scanning me. She cups my cheek, asks softly, "did anyone pass you?"

I'm speechless from her soft, motherly actions.


She can feel how I tense under her touch. I try to relax, but I've never got affection from parents. And I've never realised how much a mother figure Mrs Malfoy is for me. Perhaps that was one of the reasons that I picked on Draco.

I was envious of his loving mother.

She drops her hand. "That's fine."

"I can see what he sees," I hear her whisper to herself, smiling at the floor as she takes a step back.

"You and your son haven't been coming out much," I state. "Why?"

"Why do you care?" She questions.

I know the answer.
I know why she asked.

"There's family issues," she says in response to my silence.

"Issues as in?"

We are at the room's door. Behind it, Draco opens it and pokes his head out.

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