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"I don't exactly know where his dorm is," I say slowly. 

Daphne and Pansy grin at each other, then they look at me. "Why don't you ask the depressed dude?" Daphne replies, nudging me. "Perhaps you wouldn't even need an extra dorm— you can just share a bed."

I fake a laugh, then walk away. I hear Pansy suck in a breath, then she calls out, "it's right outside the common room. A little further up from the dungeons— his is the first door you encounter when turn down the first right hallway. Yours must be the second."

I look over my shoulder, see that she's serious. I nod in appreciation, truly just tired. 

"You're not going to chill with us in the common room?" I hear Daphne ask me.

I shake my head, continuing to walk away. "No. I think I should unpack."

I hear a slight "oh yeah" before the common room shuts on me, leaving me outside. I look to my left and right to see dark, stained brick walls. I walk forward, peering into a hallway. Walking down it, I see the first two doors. One is blank and old looking, the wood cracked. The door knob doesn't shine like the other one does. The next one is fresh looking— the wood is new, the door knob is polished and a piece of parchment is stuck to the door. I rip the parchment off the door and read it. 

Reserved for Miss Mara Riddle,

Your luggage is inside. You will find your schedule sitting inside the first drawer of the left side table.

Your password is darklordmara.

Sincerely, Professor Snape.

Ah, Snape. I don't see him much at Death Eater meetings, but I heard that my father favours him.

I'm not so enthusiastic about my password, knowing it'll be a pain to whisper it every time. Whispering "darklordmara," the door automatically unlocks itself. I turn the door knob, pushing the door open as I step inside. It thuds quietly behind me as I observe my room.

Everything is new and polished for me. The side tables are made out of dark oak. The bed's headboard is made out of the same wood, and I notice two drawers at the bottom of the bed. Onto my right is another door—which I assume is the bathroom,— and a window in front of me. It's covered by a thin, green curtain, changing the sunlight into a pale green colour. I walk past the bed, my hand brushing the soft mattress. On top of the right side table is a neat pile of blankets, cushion covers and towels. 

Out the window, I can see a lake. It's big and beautiful— trees border the further side of the lake. I can see the vanishing point from a distance; the horizon is clear and beautiful. Watching sunsets through this window will be a sight. 

I turn around and walk to my bag. I search through it, grabbing my bathroom essentials first. When I open the bathroom door, I see that there's another door in front of me. I decide to ignore it— must be some place I can store other things. In front of the mirror is a sink. It's made out of a white marble material. On top of it is a cup, where a dark green toothbrush lies.

Perhaps the school provided me a toothbrush?

Suddenly, a door opens. I turn to see Malfoy shirtless. He stares at me, shocked I'm here. My cheeks slightly redden: I can't help but to glance at his muscles. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"This is, um," I clear my throat, tearing my gaze from him. "My dorm is next to yours. I didn't know that would result in a conjoint bathroom."

He looks at me, puzzled. He glances at my room behind me, scoffing under his breath. "Your dorm is next to mine? That place was trash last year."

"They cleaned it up for me," I say matter-of-factly, taking out my toothbrush. When I place it into the cup, I notice that my toothbrush and his are the same colour and hard to differentiate. 

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