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Barry is in Joe and Cecile's house about to get re vow with Iris but something inside tells him says don't go with it Cisco is in the city to officiant them Barry looks around and sees his parent doppelgangers Jay Garrick and Joan Williams sees Allegra and Chester talking Cecile and Joe but he sees Frost and Caitlin talking but looking at Barry both giving him the sad face he looks away but he sees his and Iris daughter and Son he can't help but feel bad he then sees Iris come downstairs in a red dress and stands beside Barry smiling at him Barry gives her a fake smile but only the snow sisters see it is fake Cisco starts to speak but then Barry realised he can't do it "I am sorry Iris" he tells her people shocked "why" asked Iris "because I can't do this Bart Nora go back to the future" said Barry and looked at everyone even Frost and Caitlin and closed his eyes and whisper "Sorry" he says and speeds away wind blowing people hair making their mouths dropped "what the hell just happened" said Iris "I don't know" said Cisco "I will look for dad" said Nora "no you better of leaving him to think he come back he always does" said Iris Nora nodded "so we best be off then" said Bart "yes" said Jay "and we best get back home too" said Joan they nodded once speedster and Joan left everyone looked around not knowing what to do all went separate ways still in shocked.

Star City

Barry went to Oliver and Felicity's house he knocked on the door Oliver opened it "Barry it's good to see you" said Oliver Barry smiled "is this a good time" Barry asked Oliver nodded "well Felicity is making Dinner and Mia is sleeping" said Oliver "I am so glad you get to have this life Oliver it suits you no more crisis well for you" Barry tells him smiling they entered the house and went to the sitting room and Felicity comes out "hey Barry good job with your city" she told him he nodded "I had help and when I was against the real godspeed I had Reverse Flash help too because I know he would do anything for me to stay alive so he can kill me but I am just got faster than him now but I know Eobard but he will find a way to ruin my life" said Barry "wow anyway what you wanna talk about" asked Oliver "I was supposed to do mine and Iris Remarrying or Re vow not long ago but I couldn't do it" he said which shocked both Queen couple "why you always in love with her long long time" said Oliver "I think I made a big big Mistake when you two and me and Iris got married same time those Nazis but truth is I did something bad but do not regret which is much worst and in doing something made me open my eyes big time" says Barry "and what did you do" Felicity asked Barry sigh and Oliver knew he was scared to say "honey just check on the dinner" Oliver told her "oh yeah guy talk" she smiled making Oliver chuckle and once Felicity left and before Barry could say his phone went off he looked and saw text from frost 

Frost: um Hey Barry are you ok I and caity are sorry if we put any pressure on you thinking you shouldn't be with Iris

Barry: I am sorry Frost there is so much pressure and not just you and Cait but everyone around us but even to this day I still don' t regret it you guys open my eyes and I saw the bigger picture I will talk to you two another time but I care for you both 

Frost: see you Barry and we know xx

Barry sighed and looked at Oliver "I cheated on Iris I slept with Caitlin" before Barry could say frost Oliver smirked "I knew there was something there but damn you didn't expect that" said Oliver Barry glared at him "I had sex with Caitlin and Frost as she has her own body now but they love me they both said it happened couple weeks ago" said Barry shocking him they heard a scream "WHAT" they see Felicity "I know" said Barry getting up pacing "I know ok but I now know maybe I choose Iris because some stupid destiny or newspaper but I should have seen the bigger picture that there is more people love me as me and not the flash maybe that is why Iris wanted me then after Eddie" Barry said "I am sorry what your going through you can stay here get your mind in better shape to  finally decide what you truly want or who think about the past and see who been there" said Oliver and Felicity nodded then Mia cried "I will get her" said Oliver "I will after all met your older daughter so why not see your young one" Barry smiled they nodded.

He went to Mia's room "hello Mia I am your uncle Barry well I think that is if your dad and Mom lets me" he smiled Mia giggle and grabbed Barry finger "what should I do Mia should I go back to Iris or go to Caitlin and Frost" he said and kiss her forehead he sat on chair and think he fell asleep as Mia asleep in his arms Oliver and felicity came up and saw Felicity took a picture "this is gonna take a time for him to think" said Oliver Felicity nodded.

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