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Barry walks into star labs sees cecile Joe Allegra Chester and Iris "Barry are you ok" ask Allegra "could you four leave please I think me and Iris need to talk" said Barry they nod and Joe put hand on Barry shoulder "let go" said Chester "what happen Barry why did you leave" Iris said "because I think we should get a divorce" Barry said shocking Iris "why" she asked "because I don't love you because something awoken me and I saw the truth and I want the truth did you really love me at the start or still or was it because I am the flash or to kick start your writing career" he said she stayed quiet "let say if Eddie showed up what would you do let say we fine would you go back" asked Barry "yes" she said he nodded "so you don't mind if I get a divorced" he asked "why now" said Iris he closed his eyes "I don't know" he said but he knew it was frost and Caitlin he just wanted to protect them "fine" she said "I will asked Cecile for form also you can have the loft I will get a place" said Barry "are you sure" she asked "yes" said Barry then he left and went to lounge "hey" he said "is everything ok Boss" asked Chester "cecile I would like a divorce form" he said shocking them "Son" said Joe "everything fine it for best I think we in good place but Allegra could you check on her" she nodded and left "I will get that shorted Barry" said Cecile.

Barry went to Caitlin and frost apartment he knocked on the door Frost open it she smiled and lean in and kiss him he kissed back he loves her kisses cold kind put hand on her white hair he pulled away "I really love your kisses" he told her she smiled and let him in "hi Cait" he said seeing her on sofa "how did it go" she asked "we are getting a divorce no shouting but I asked a question and I got the answer but i am giving her the loft i am gonna move look for a place" he said and Frost put him on sofa  and sat on him "are you ok" she said he smiled "I'm fine frost thanks let talk about how this is gonna work" he said taking Caitlin hand and putting his arm around her then as Frost put her head on his chest "I don't know Barry"  said Caitlin "how about mon to Wednesday I will be with you dates and all and thurs to Saturday Caity has you and sunday we both have you" Frost said Barry smiled "that a good Idea Cait you ok with that" he asked Her "yes" Caitlin said smiling kissing Barry cheek.

Barry looked at frost "when you become a romantic person" he said she laughed "since I felt something for you" she said he chuckle he kissed her on cheek "as much I like to stay but I have to pack and find place to live" said barry putting Frost on sofa "where if you want you can still here" said Frost "no not that quick frost ok" said Barry giving her kiss on lips she kissed back "where you gonna go" asked Caitlin "star labs" barry said "see you tomorrow" said frost he nodded "have a good night ladies" said Barry kiss both of them and left them then.

He packed his bags from loft and went to star labs in the rooms he text Oliver

Barry:I did it we getting divorce me frost and Caitlin found way to be together well was frost idea

Oliver: how you feel about that

Barry: honestly I feel happy but apart from joe no one knows about Caitlin or frost but Joe still doesn't know about what we did he just saw the look I give Caitlin and Frost and by the way thanks for letting me stay and hearing my problems and thank baby mia too

Oliver: no problem buddy see you Barry

He went and short out his stuff and goes on his phone to look for apartments .

I am gonna try do armageddon and deathstorm too in this story.

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