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Barry woke up and found himself he was still in Mia room but she was in the crib sleeping he look at his phone saw miss call from Iris Joe text from Both Caitlin and Frost he sigh and looked at messages from Caitlin

Caitlin: I don't know what to say I am sorry we made you not go through your re marriage thing and I am sorry we slept with each other but I just want know if you ok

Then he looked at massage from Frost

Frost: hi Barry again we are sorry but I hope you are ok and you me and Caitlin can move past this I can see Caitlin worrying and I don't like to see that we both care for you

Barry rubbed his temple he listen to voicemail from Iris first .


barry sighed 'why did I go through this the first time why was I so stupid not seeing what been in front of me the whole time not see true reason why Iris just began to like me' he thought to himself he then listen to Joe voicemail

Joe: hi son I hope you ok and just thinking through i don't know what happened to you and son I know and lately I saw the way you looked at Caitlin and Frost but someone will get hurt either Iris or them or yourself question you need to ask yourself Barry what does your heart tell you

Barry got up and went to kitchen and sees Oliver and Felicity eating breakfast "morning Barry how you sleep" asked Felicity "fine thanks anyway I have to get back to my city face my problems I am sorry i came here also I will come back your daughter adorable she help my worries go until I slept" said barry with a smile "yeah she does that" said oliver with a smile they laughed "have you decide" asked Felicity "Felicity not that easy but I know I need talk to snow sisters" said Barry "yeah I may have text Caitlin and she is worried" said Felicity barry looked at her making him sigh "see you another time" said Barry and walks outside before speeding back to central city to Caitlin and Frost apartment.

Frost and Caitlin Apartment
Barry knocked on the door "coming" shouted Frost she opened the door and mouth dropped "Barry" she said he nod "can I talk to you two" he asked giving her a look making her nod letting him in "sit I will get Caitlin" Frost said "shouldn't she be up she usually up early" said Barry "well I heard her crying last night" Frost said feeling sad but she saw Barry and she knew he felt bad and give her sad face "oh" Barry said Frost left then to get Caitlin.

Once Caitlin and Frost came back to sitting room Barry sitting down "hi Cait can you both sit" said Barry Caitlin and Frost sat "Caitlin I am sorry if I made you cry last night and made both of you sad or feeling I don't care or you think I regret it but even to this day I don't and I do care for both of you same yiu both opened my eyes after what you both said and how long you felt for me Cait it was shocked and what happened yesterday I just realised I made huge mistake and not on you two being with Iris and at time I was with her never really thought anyone like me because who I am and first Linda then patty but i try not think of Iris but now i see what she was she used me because well start her writing career and Eddie was gone I was blinded if everything and I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you or you frost" he dried his tears Caitlin sat beside him "what does it mean for us for you and Frost" asked Caitlin Barry looked at her "after talking to Oliver and Baby Mia well I want happiness and I was more happy with you and Frost even her sarcasm her attitude you both have different attitude but in my heart I I love you both equally" he said in tears making them have tears Frost goes beside him.

"Barry since I first came about in Caitlin body I was mean wanted to kill you I work for your mean side tried kill iris then once I began work with you being part of team I saw a different side of life and last year when you training me I wanted to kiss you and when I thought you were gonna die I was about to cry and I didn't get to tell you but now I can you save my life from staying evil and you help me when I was in prison" she said and Kiss Barry lips he kissed back and he stop "I know this will be tricky having two girlfriends but it be worth it" he said and kiss Caitlin "but you have one thing left to do" said Frost barry nodded "I know also Joe knows he left voicemail but he seems ok about it" said Barry shocking them "I am gonna go and sort this out with Iris going get divorce" he says "j am sorry Barry" said Caitlin putting her head on his shoulder frost did the same.

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