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Caitlin is in the med bay after what deathstorm did to her Barry and Frost in with her "hey Caity we gonna do everything to get you back" said Frost Barry took Caitlin's hand "I am so sorry Cait I should be there I love you Cait we both do we gonna get you back and send that monster back to hell" Barry kissed her hand "she burning up again" said Barry then Caitlin's eyes went open but it was black "burning Burning" she repeats Cecile came in "guys I can feel the grief it Allegra Chester Joe Iris he here stealing their grief" said Cecile Barry looked at Frost "cecile can you stay with her we be back in a minute" said Barry taking Frost hand and went to lounge "Barry what going on" asked Frost "I have an Idea" he says "what" said Frost "you remember how it cold fusion yours and Deathstorm but I am not sending you out there you see remember Chester mention the mac what I am gonna do is bring someone here remember melting points when guy give my speed to Iris but this you and I are gonna to swap powers I am gonna do everything keep my girlfriends safe we gonna change powers and we gonna fix the mac and give me different side of Cold fusion hell style and I am gonna end this once and for all" Barry said "Barry you might die" said Frost "risk I am gonna take because I love you Frost I love Cait more than I ever love Iris you two are my world but one thing If I do you know will you marry me Frost because I have two rings ready" he smiled "yes" she said and kissed him he hold her "let save Caitlin and the team" Barry said.

After the powers swap and Mac upgrade

Barry went to Caitlin in his hell frost side he kissed her head "I love you" he said and left a box on the counter Barry came out to see Frost Allegra Chester and Cecile "thank you Barry" said Allegra "I know I look different but look after her" Barry said and looked at frost she gives him kiss "I love you" she said "I love you" he said back kissed her head and went away.

After Barry fooled Deathstorm they went out and Barry and deathstorm in the air fighting then Barry beam at him full blast knocking him to the ground Barry landed and Barry made his eyes glow white with smoke coming out "NOOOOOOOOOO" shouted deathstorm and the smoke vanished and entered Barry system Deathstorm was gone Barry's eyes returned he tap his comm "it done" said Barry "well done Barry" Said Frost "is cait" Barry asked then Frost spoke "she fine she waken" he smiled then something went off "I don't feel good" he said and collapse "Barry" Frost said no reply "Boss you ok" Chester said but no reply Frost speed off and now in front of Barry "Barry hey it me" she said she turned him over to check for a pulse but there was none she took him and went back to Star labs.

Frost put Barry on the gurney and Caitlin came in putting on her white coat "Sis you should be resting" said Frost Matthew Kim or known as Melting point swapped Frost and Barry's powers again and left thinking it is fine  Allegra Cecile Joe Iris Chester was in lounge waiting for word Caitlin try to save Barry but nothing would work but then she jags him with a needle he slowly woke up and both Frost and Caitlin smiling Barry smile to and whisper "I love you two" he said and then closed his eyes then a beep came and Caitlin tried everything but did not work Frost had to take Caitlin arm and give her look and brought her in and cried.

Caitlin and Frost went to Lounge "is he ok" asked Joe "he didn't make it" Frost said "what he barry he coming back" said Iris "I am sorry he's gone" said Caitlin Chester hold Allegra Cecile hugged Joe Iris cried on sofa frost cried alone Caitlin fell to the ground and cried and Frost went to her sister and hold her "I think Oliver Cisco Sara Kara need to know" said Iris knowing is right. 

Frost went back to where Barry's body as she took his phone out of his pocket "I am gonna look after her Barry I love you so much you made me a better person wish we had more time" she said and kissed him and cried in his chest and hold his waist when she felt hand on her shoulder turned see Joe she just went into his arms as she cried "I loved him" she said while crying "he loves you and Caitlin" he whispered.

Star Labs Hanger

Team Flash entered to see Oliver Felicity Baby Mia Cisco Kamilla Legends Kara "hey where Barry" said Cisco "he gone" said Caitlin before crying Frost hold her sister "what you mean gone" said Oliver "he dead he saved Caity and the city against deathstorm me and Barry swapped powers with the help of melting point and well we had to upgrade the Mac but doesn't matter does it he gone and we never get him back I loved him he asked me to marry him and said yes because he had two rings for me and Caity" cried Frost some heroes crying.

Don't worry I have an Idea bring Barry back that is if anyone want him back 

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