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Barry and the rest of team flash were dealing with the blue flame when they found it was Ronnie as Caitlin told them but and now she wants to save him but that left Barry feeling one thing Jealous as Caitlin was telling the team Barry was keep questioning if it actually was and they were talking about firestorm matrix but then Barry thought to need two people until Chester said he can change it using Eva McCullough equipment "but raising the dead  that's intense even for us" said Allegra looking at everyone then Barry "work for the Lazure pit" said Joe "but that was on another earth and can't make someone come back as John Constantine is gone Sara told me so we can't use that but the best way is still using the sphere" said Barry Caitlin glared at him "no it not if I can get to him the killing will stop" said Caitlin "and Ronnie be back right because my gut feeling is something more to it than that you think after everything we been through in years you actually listen but when it comes to people you care you see it different side" said Barry "Barry let talk about this we still listening to you I know you had trusted people" said Joe "yeah and one of them is my team because if you don't remember Joe you lot made me trusted Jay but turn out it was zoom then you didn't believe me about devoe I am question everything if being the flash is best anymore" said Barry glaring at Caitlin and walking out and went to Lounge "I will talk to him" said Frost and Join Barry in lounge leaving rest not knowing what to do "I am gonna start working on matrix" said Caitlin.

Barry in the lounge "Barry I understand where you coming from I do but is it for you or are you jealous against about Caitlin wanted to save Ronnie" said Frost "it's both I know what she doing is going to backfire and I don't want her to get her hopes up thinking what will happen if I am right and this isn't Ronnie just something much worst" he tells her "you need to tell her that Barry because I don't want you or Caitlin get hurt and I really don't want to pick sides" Frost told him he brings her in and kissed her and she kisses back and holds her "don't pick sides" he tells her she nodded "I best talk to Caitlin" he tells her she smiled kissed his lips "I do love you just know that Barry" she looked at him in the eyes "I love you frost and if Caitlin doesn't want to be with me  I am all yours" he told her and kiss her neck.

Barry went to Caitlin's Lab he saw her working "stopped Caitlin please" said Barry grabbing her hand she let go "oh  yeah you rather let Ronnie to die" said Caitlin "but why are you so desperate to save he can be using you what part of that you not understand" says Barry "He is my husband Barry what part of that don't you understand" said Caitlin "oh so years he was dead and I was here and even now I am with you thought you love me guess it was just using me enough being alone I get it now" said Barry "you know it not that" she whispers "I am gonna save the people the right way" Barry told her leaving her she looking out and worried she let herself have moment and cry. 

Frost stole the matrix for Caitlin "why you giving me this I thought you be on Barry's side" said "well no I am not on either side I get both side but I know he gonna hate me but your my sister but we need move now they are the campsite" said Frost "ok let me get my coat and hat" said Caitlin.

Let just say did not end way than Caitlin thought.

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