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Goldface and his goon came into CCPD and wanted chaos Goldface remember barry has the chemist but at the end of the day Barry stopped them after a minor explosion when Barry took his cuff off but he remember Caitlin looking how happy and when she told him he level up Barry and the help of Krammer stop Goldface and his goon and when Barry in his flash outfit went to talk to Krammer she told him she knows who the flash is Barry also awful to help her if she wants to help with powers Barry had a weird day but it got worst on after that because a week later Barry found a man he faces before a fire meta name Jaco Birch but when he said he was innocent and in front of his son but  Barry gets memories of his dad and it was his dad birthday which made it bad too Barry wanted to help Birch and make sure his son has a father instead of being in Foster care but when Barry knows he innocent but some members in his team question him even one of his girlfriend.

"Barry what if you just not thinking clearly" said Cecile "so that it you all gonna give up already" said Barry "no that's not it" said Cecile "you know what I believe Birch is innocent and I am going it proves it with or without you" he said and looked at frost she had a sad face "Barr" said Frost but it was late Barry speed away and went back to ccpd  and to the board he used to use when his dad was in jail to find out what really happened his phone went off he took it out and saw a text from Frost 

Frost: Barry I am sorry please talk to me Babe are we gonna be ok 

Barry: we talk later 

he put his phone away Joe came in knowing what going on "team worried" said joe "I'm fine" said Barry "You don't need to be Barry they don't know what today is" said Joe Barry looked at the board "he was ready to come home again Joe when" he sighed and dried his eyes "Barry it is ok to feel" said Joe "But death will alway hurt anyone close to me everyone should just leave me be" said Barry "Barry you don't want to be alone" said Joe "No but better than people I love and care died two years ago Oliver died he would be still dead if me Sara and Mia didn't bring him back Mom Dad you and Frost because of Thawne in reverse Flashpoint who next oh yeah eddie Ronnie Stein" said Barry "Barry" said Joe "i need work on helping birch" says Barry.

in the end Barry saved Birch with help of Frost and Birch got to be free and stay with his son Barry was happy then when he Frost and Chester was in Star labs Barry looking at the evidence and something came to his head and Frost saw "what is it Barry" says Frost "chester could you check any other cold fusions and show it on map" said Barry "yeah why what you looking for" said Chester going back to computers "more victums" says Barry scaring Frost and Chester.

Barry and Frost stayed behind as Chester meeting up with Allegra "Barry I am so sorry" said Frost going over to Barry he looked at her "me too" said Barry they kissed and hug "I thought I was going loose you" said Frost "couples fight but couples also apologise to" said Barry he give her a loving kiss "let go watch movie with Caitlin" said Barry she nodded.

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