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Time Skip After Reverse Flashpoint when Barry came back and in the Lounge

Barry sitting in one seat looking at his team after explaining the whole situation "I am sorry you had to go through that" said Joe "I am glad to have you back all of you and in one team and not Thawne because it hurt and the whole fading from existence not great but I learn one thing with Thawne he will do whatever just to win he killed the legends killed Cisco all thinking I did but also he killed Damien Darhk daughter and I had to pretend to be a villain but it worked in the end" said Barry Frost smile "so what was different" said Iris "well you were marrying Eobard I don't know about Allegra and Chester because we weren't in a team but what I saw from rest Frost was dead and well suppose to be from me Caitlin was dating Marcus so yeah" he says "I was dead" Frost said Sadly Barry looked at her and took her hand in his "hey that just thawne messing with people that mean a lot in my life but this is our timeline nothing gonna happen to you Frost I for sure won't let that happened for your's mine and Caitlin and this team" Barry said she smile and nodded and hugged Barry kissed his cheek then the phone went off "it thawne he in CCPD" Said Caitlin Barry let go off Frost and speed away.

In CCPD Mia Smoak Came back from 2045 and attacked thawne but he pinned her against the wall and vibrated his hand "I don't care for your family drama" he said and was about to phase it through her chest but Barry in his flash suit came and bash into Thawne making him fall to ground  Barry looked at Mia she nodded given that she fine "Give it up thawne" he said "oh I am I only did what I did to get your attention flash" Barry looked at him "I came here because I need you to save me" Thawne told him Barry looked at him "with what" Barry glared then him Mia and the police saw The reverse flash fading from Existence Barry Sigh and then speed the two away leaving Mia with team and Barry putting thawne in a force field bit (LIKE SEASON ONE AND AGAIN IN ARMAGEDDON) Barry went back to his team well it was just Caitlin Cecile Iris Allegra Chester and Mia "where Joe and Frost" he asked "frost wanted to go home and rest" Caitlin said Barry nodded "joe wanted to check on Jenna spend time with her" Cecile says Barry smiles "So Mia what bring you buy is everything ok in the future" he asked she sigh "just future thing Uncle Barry" she said "Uncle Barry that new compare to first time" he smiled she chuckle "well I remember when I was 4 my parents telling me you keep telling them just because I don't call you uncle doesn't mean your not family member but truth be told from uncle dig roy aunt thea you are my favourite Uncle and aunt cait and frost is my favourite" she said Barry laughed "would you like to visit your parents and baby mia after well not baby mia as timeline really is tricky" Barry said "sure" Mia said.

Caitlin went to check on thawne "how long" said Thawne "2 hours" she says not looking at him "Until you save me right Caitlin because you Barry and Team Flash you're the good guys You'll do the right thing" Thawne says "Some of us might surprise you" Caitlin said back "Not you You're a doctor you won't kill me" Thawne tells her "No I won't but I can accept it when someone dies" she talks back "Is that right Maybe you forget I know the real Caitlin Snow you're right where you were eight years ago remember living your safe orderly life. Preparing for a perfect future with your idiot fiancé and then It all came crashing down" he laughs evil "What is wrong with you Ronnie was my whole future and he is never coming back" she said sadly "He's never coming back." That's what happens. What about you? You could've moved on I mean you should've moved on right But instead you're stuck here where you were eight years ago helping Team Flash and Barry Allen instead of getting on with your life" he says back then she snaps "Fine. Do you want honesty When I was a resident fresh out of med school one of the first things they taught me is that sometimes, you lose a patient that death is a part of life so guess what It's your turn because all the speed in the world can't help you outrun what's coming for you" She said "You'll save me You'll save me Snow You don't have a choice" he said thinking he get through and win then she says "And another thing I stayed here because Barry and the rest of the team they're not just friends they're family and just so we're clear what I've been doing for the last eight years is hating you So if you're looking for someone to save you look somewhere else" she told him and left him.

Barry saw through the camera and was surprised he turn "you ok" he asked walking over she put hand on his chest "we need let thawne die" she said he sigh "I know" he says and give her a kiss "maybe you should go home looks like you need it" he told her putting bit of her hair away from her cheek and she nodded no "I need be here for you Barr and see what coming for him for what he did to you to ronnie to everyone to Frost in reverse flashpoint" she says and nodded "I am going check on Frost and tell her everything so she knows what is happening ok Cait" he told her "I will I need fresh air goodbye for now" she says and kiss him on lips put their heads together "better have my talk with him now" he said she nodded and turn to leave but Barry stopped her "Cait" he says she turns back and smile "yeah" she says "I love you and sorry he mention about ronnie I know it hurts" she kissed him "It ok I see you Barr" she said and left Barry sigh and rubbed his nose and left.

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