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Barry was going into the cortex when he saw Despero "I thought we had a truce" said Barry "I thought as much Your bravery is strengthened by the reassurance you gain from enhanced healing It doesn't mean it hurts any less Pain is the debt we pay for the change, and I'm here to change the future Thanks to this experiment I now know the force required to kill you when the time comes" Despero said "oh" Barry said "I've seen your destiny Flash I've watched you use your power to destroy everything and everyone" Despero told Barry "You still haven't told me why I would do this  Huh What would cause me to turn my back on everything I've sworn to protect" Barry answered back "Madness Many times in the past, the pain you've suffered nearly crushed you But soon a new despair will befall you and it will create an unbroken chain of sorrow" Despero says Barry rolled his eyes "just great" he said sarcastically "your mind will crack. And with it, the world ends You see your power has recently accelerated. But so too has your ability to descend into madness The tragedy is coming for you Flash What remains to be seen isn't whether or not you'll break It's when I have seven days  I'd worry more about tomorrow if I were you  I don't know the details of what will happen. But I know tomorrow is the beginning of the end Your end  I've granted you a chance to defy destiny  But I'll be staying close by As soon as I sense your mind turning mad I'll find you" Despero said before fading Barry sigh.

Caitlin Frost Chester Allegra and Iris were in cortex talking to Alex on the screen as she was locating Despero "Okay uplink to the Tower mainframe is secure You now have access to our alien database including any intel we have on this 'Despero'" said Alex "We appreciate the help Alex" said Caitlin "How long will it take to download" asked  Allegra "Well this new algorithm works at light speed In fact Caitlin that guy Marcus that I connected you with he designed it"  said Alex Frost look at Caitlin "thanks but no need I know what your doing" said Caitlin with a laugh then beeping went off "Oh, I'm sorry guys. I'll keep digging and see what I can find out But if this Despero has managed to stay off of our grid then he is a greater threat than any alien we've faced  Keep your guard up" Said Alex as the monitor went off "you heard her we have to protect Barry there is no way he would destroy the world" said Allegra "what if he right" said Iris people look at her "I am not saying this because we broke up but look how bad he got because of a massive boost of speed" said Iris "Oh, crap you're right remember the ASF He gained speed thinking but as a result" Chester said " I turned on everyone I love look I that is not gonna happened this time" said Barry coming in looking at everyone "but Barry what if you level up to much to fast" said Chester "Barry isn't the threat to us Despero is And his story doesn't add up I mean come on doesn't anyone else think it's weird that an alien cares so much about Earth he's not even from here" Allegra said Barry smiled and give her a hug "thank you for trying and maybe he not originally but neither was Kara or Clark but they protect their city too but if it comes to it and If I do you need make a weapon to use against me" Barry said looking at Frost she nodded understanding.

Caitlin put a scan up "Wherever he's from here what we know I ran a bio-scan on Despero the minute he entered S.T.A.R. Labs. His anatomy is unlike anything I ever studied before he has the strength and invulnerability that rivals Kryptonians" Caitlin said "How are we gonna stop him from killing you" asked Chester "Prove him wrong. Despero says tomorrow, my mind starts to break. So all we have to do is make it through the next hours without that happening and he'll have to back down" said Barry "I like that plan" said Allegra making barry chuckle "Let's get some rest tomorrow we'll need to be on the lookout for anything and if something does happen then we need to be ready to stop it protecting this city is still our top priority" said Barry "Even from you" said Iris Caitlin glared at her "it won't come to that" said Barry Allegra Chester and Iris left the cortex "you gonna be ok" Caitlin asked he nodded "I have to be it gonna be ok" he said Frost kissed him and left he looked at Caitlin "you ok Cait" said Barry "no but this is our life maybe we should ask Oliver felicity legends for help" Said Caitlin "no I don't want Oliver back in this world he died in crisis to save me and Kara from dying I owe him by making sure he just does one thing and that is be a father to Mia" said Barry Caitlin went and kissed barry and hugged him "want watch movie" she said he kissed her lips "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too"  she says and they left.

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