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Once barry was finished his talk with Thawne he went back to were his team is "so what we going do" asked Allegra "I think it time for him to die" said Barry "but Barry you save people can you not take his speed away or whatever" said Allegra "thawne messed with time and finally time messing with him" said Caitlin "but" said Chester "look don't mean sound bad but you two are new to this especially with thawne you don't know what he capable off he won't stop until he gets what he want" said Barry Cecile feel the anger inside Barry "can I asked what he did" said Chester "oh he created particle accelerator making metahumans happen to create me he hurt a lot of people we cared about he killed my mother when I was 11 he was with nazis when they came to our earth and he killed Frost in reverse flashpoint he did kill me too but he wanted his own villain time complicated he hurt enough people and no matter how many times we destroy him he keeps coming back but this time he goes for good" barry said Caitlin took hold of Barry shoulder he relaxed then.

Barry in lounge trying make sense of everything sees Frost come in she goes towards him kiss him on lips he kisses back "hey Frost you ok" he asked she smiled and nodded kiss his nose "you need to relax babe you mind going burst if you think anymore" she says he brought her close they hugged "I'm fine now with you here" he says "cheesy" she smirked he laughed "is it now frosty" he said she laughed kiss his neck Caitlin came in "barry Despero is out looking for thawne in city" said Caitlin barry goes out to face him Caitlin and Frost look "he gonna be ok Caity"  frost said and she nodded.

Time skip sorry
Barry took Thawne speed away and let him live and send him off to argus in lian yu Barry got Oliver and Felicity over so they can see Mia and have party in a bar that he paid for alone time with his friends and family barry made speech and they start to party barry went over to Allegra and Chester "I want to say thanks to making me change my mind you maybe new kids in team but more sense and when it comes to thawne it does mess with my head so thank you you two" he smiled "oh your welcome" said Allegra with smile "yeah welcome boss" said Chester Frost came over and took barry hand he went and walked away but said to frost "is it just me or there something going on them but not saying anything to each other" said Barry frost smiled "oh they do" she said and kissed his cheek.

Both enjoying night barry spending time with Caitlin too along with team as queen family reunited.

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