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Barry was happy to be back from well being dead or speed force he woke up and sees Frost looking at him he gives her a smile he brought her in his arms around her she smile "I am here Frost not leaving you or cait again" he tells her "good I don't want to see you you die again I love you so much baby" she tells her fiance "of course Frost I love you too Snowflake" he says she giggles he pulls away and looks at her kissing her lips then he felt an arm around from his back he turn to see Caitlin "hello Snow as well" he smiles and gives her a kiss on the lips too "should we talk about that before you died ask us to marry you I know frost said yes but you didn't ask me because well I wasn't right in mind" Caitlin asked "sorry about that well then Caitlin Snow will you do the honour becoming my wife" he says "yes" she said he smiled and brought her in for a kiss "I love you Cait so much" he tells her and lies on his back and put his arms around Frost and Caitlin putting their head on either chest or shoulder feeling relax.

After Barry took a shower with Frost as Caitlin made Breakfast for them Barry came out and kissed Caitlin's neck "Next time you join me" he said she turn and smile hand on his chest "Yeah I would like to that" she tells him "Food smells nice" said Frost coming out tying her brushing her hair they began to eat it "so Barry how you gonna go work everyone knows your dead" said Frost "it fine I will get it sorted but no one knows that I am flash do they" he asked "nope" said Caitlin "that good anyway" he said smiling and getting up kissing his fiances "see you in star labs I am gonna let Oliver know I am not dead see you later love you two so much" he give them a smile and they smile back at him "good to have you back" said Caitlin he grinned "right back at you Cait us 3 back together Frost thinking about time" he says Frost giggles and nodded "you are correct Barry I didn't like that us 3 in separate ways" Frost tells them they nodded and Barry left then to go to Star City.

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