🌟 CHAPTER 0.2 ( TAEHYUNG'S Backstory ) 🌟

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Right now I'm in my bed smoking weed and reading my favourite person's letters to me. Yes you guys guessed it right. I'm an addict, who tries to ease his pain by forgetting about it. Now what pain made me take such a big step ? An year ago from today, Life was so much easier. I was a very bright student in college. My Mom, Dad and elder sister were proud of me. I received a lot of awards from college for academics. I also had a huge friend circle. Girls were crazy about me and many of them even proposed to me. But only one girl caught my attention- MYRA . She was one heck of a beautiful girl. She was smart, intelligent, funny, friendly, gorgeous and caring. In short she was every boy's dream. One of my friend was her cousin and I asked him to introduce her to me and he did it. We met a few times, talked about each others likes and dislikes, went out for dinner sometimes and instantly fell in love. Everything was going amazing. Even our parents knew about our relationship. We used to celebrate festivals together. She used to console me in my bad phases and I used to cheer her up in her good ones. We were perfect for each other. We wanted to get married and were just waiting to graduate from our colleges. I was doing a PhD in History and though I was 25 I still had 2 more years of studies before I graduated. She was doing a course on English language specialisation and she also was going to graduate around the same time as I was. Some of my friends started failing their classes and going to the wrong paths. They used to go to bars, drink and get wasted. But me and Myra never got distracted from our goals. On my 26th birthday, she said that she won't be able to come coz she was flying abroad for some work but after a while I suddenly got a call from Myra's phone. Myra was not the one who was speaking, it was somebody else. A man told me that she got into an accident. I was tooo broken to even hear the next words that the person on the phone was about to speak. I quickly dropped the phone and rushed to the hospital where she was being examined but it was too late. She died on the spot. She couldn't fight back. The accident was brutal. Later on I found a present with my name on it in her broken car and I knew that she was coming over to my place to surprise me on my not very special day. I was devastated. I could not think of anything at that moment. I was just looking at her dead body and speaking to her as if she was still alive. I could not come to terms with the fact that she was dead. I started going crazy. My family and friends tried their best to console me but it didn't work. I dropped out of college and used to sit at home doing nothing. My family even took me to a doctor but all he said was that it was mental trauma and it will heal with time. The pain I felt was unbearable. Hours, days and even weeks passed by but my condition never improved. One day my friend took me out for a walk. Even he tried to make me come out of my truama but it was of no use. We then went into a bar and the next thing he said was. "Tae I have an idea, I can give you something that'll make your pain disappear forever, bht it's risky to consume that, are you ready to take the risk ?". I nodded because I just wanted to get out of the pain. He brought out a tablet and crushed it with a card. "Come on, Tae. Inhale this thing. It's magic. You won't feel anything after you consume this." He said and I without any hesitation followed his advice. And yes it did work. It maid my pain disappear like nothing ever happened. I asked him for another tablet and felt even better after consuming it. And that was the first time I was introduced to the world of drugs. The biggest challenge now was to keep it a secret from my parents. I told them that I'll stay at Soobin's ( my friend ) house as he is helping me to ease the pain. But soon after they found out. It was too late. I was completely taken over by drugs and alcohol. Cocaine, molly, bacardi, cigarettes were my only friends now. They dragged me out of Soobin's house. They did their best to make me quit drugs but were unsuccessful. I was trapped at my house and was not allowed to go anywhere. My house on the other hand was filled with gifts and letters that Myra had given me. Everytime I saw something that was from her, I consumed drugs. My state started getting even more pathetic as every day passed. My parents were fed up and almost gave up on me. The only one who always had and always will beleive in me was my elder Sister, Lisa. She was currently in America doing an important job. She couldn't come back due to her work load. My parents contacted many doctors and hospitals but after seeing my condition none of them were ready to treat me. So that's been my life so far.


"Tae, Dinner is ready. You didn't even have lunch. Come on eat up." Taehyung's' mom said opening the door to his room and sitting next to him.

He was ofcourse lost in his own world and too drugged to even hear anything when his mother slapped him hard.

"TAE SNAP OUT OF IT FOR GODS SAKE!!!!!" His mother yelled in his ears.


"How long are you going to keep doing this ? We are getting old Tae. Please stop this for once." His mom practically begged him.

"You guys never cared about me. Now stop acting fake and mind your own businesses. I'm good by myself." He said not having control on his tongue.

"We are tired, Tae. We know how close you were to Myra. But she's gone baby. Nobody can bring her back. She wouldn't like seeing you like this. You have to move on." His mother said trying to touch his face.

"Who are you even talking about ? I don't know anybody by that name ?" He said acting like a fool.

"Then why are you reading those ?" His mom asked snatching the letters out of his hands.

"Ohh these are trash. I'm just going to throw them off." He said tearing one of the letters and throwing off its pieces all around the house.

"I am going to confiscate all of these. You are never getting them back." His mom said trying to pick all of his injections and drug tablets.

"Then you are not going to see me alive tomorrow." Taehyung said laughing like a mad person.

"Are you blackmailing me ?" His mother asked.

"Just telling you the truth mother dear. These are oxygen to me." He said snatching all his belongings out of his mother's hands

"I'll give you whatever you need son. Just stop consuming these." His mom said now bursting into tears.

"I CAN'T MOM. I REALLY CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM."He yelled while tears rolled down his cheeks.

His mother rushed out of the room not being able to see her son like this.

"He won't listen to me. He won't give up those drugs at any cost. He is not in his right mind. My poor baby. What has happened to him." Taehyung's mom said hugging her husband while crying uncontrollably.

"He was asleep for the last 3 days. Atleast he is awake and is speaking to us now. Everything will be fine. Just give him time." Taehyung's father said trying to console his mother.

"How much more time does he need ? It's already been a month since he is like this. What if he takes more and more amoutn of drugs ? What if he has an overdose ?" His mom said making his dad worried.

"He won't take such a big step, don't worry. We'll soon get a solution to his problem. I have been speaking to a very well renowned hospital. I have shown them all his records and they have approved to treat him. We can send him to it's rehab department. They'll take good care of him." Taehyung's dad said patting his mom's back.

"You know how Taehyung is. He is hyperactive. He'll definitely try to get out of rehab and do something unimaginable. Why don't we go for the house service rehabilitation nurse ? Many hospitals are providing that service. Can you please ask the hospital you've been speaking to if they provide this service as well ? We will pay whatever amount they want if they assure to make our son like he was before that incident." His mom said having a slight ray of hope.

"Yes I have heard that they do provide such services. I will contact them right now and see if it's possible for them to send a nurse at our home to take care of our son. Don't worry, dear. The bad times are over. Taehyung will soon be back to normal. Lisa will also visit us in a month or two. I'm sure she'll be able to speak to him and convince him on quitting drugs. " Taehyung's dad said wiping tears in his eyes.

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