🌟 CHAPTER 14 🌟

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Today was the tenth day of work at the Royal Café. Both me and Jk were completely clueless on the first day. We had no idea how the different departments of the café functioned. You guys must think about what made us have these difficulties. But THE ROYAL CAFÉ was not like any normal café. It was a very highly reputed and aesthetic café. Things were different here. But to our fortune, our boss MR MILLER was kind enough to give us jobs. He was taken aback by the fact that we came here just for the treatment of my mom's cancer with no plans about the future and decided to help us. But on the brighter side, both of us were much more comfortable at working by the 5-6th day. Right now Me and Jungkook were getting ready as we didn't want to be late for our work.

"Hurry Up jk. We are gonna be late." I screamed so that he could be fast with getting ready.

"Coming down in a minute." He screamed back.

"Oh God, please make this man hurry a little. I don't want us to be late for our work." I said while looking into the sky.

After a good 5 minutes Jungkook came running at the entrance of our hotel.

"Let's go." He said while panting.

"Finally. What took you so long ?" I asked being angry.

"Long story, let's first get back to work Jennieya." He said putting up a smile.

We took a taxi and drove to our workplace.

"Good morning Miss Kim and Mr Jeon." The boss greeted us.

"Good morning, Mr MILLER." We greeted back and got back to our respective works.

To be honest, I was really enjoying working as a waitress. I get to know about a lot of different dishes and also about their making procedures here . I also meet a lot of different people with different jobs and lives on a regular basis. Most of the people who come here are really friendly and polite and one of them is MR KIM JOGHIN.

He comes to the café daily. He works as an assistant manager in a big company nearby but surprisingly his hometown is also Korea. I met him on the first day of my work and I found him to be very charming and funny. He tells me all kinds of jokes and also some instances about how hard life in New York is, especially when you are from Asia. I also remember on the 4th day of my work he asked me to have a coffee with him at a nearby restaurant. It was the most expensive restaurant I had ever been to. He was really a very attractive person. Any girl who hangs out with him would fall in love. Speaking of love, I couldn't really speak much to Taehyung since I started working. He keeps calling twice or thrice a day but I'm usually at work that time so I am unable to pick up his calls. And when I don't pick up he calls Jk and I ask Jk to tell him to call me at night after I go home from work but me being super tired falls asleep as soon as I reach home. Oh God this long distance thing is killing me. Also I've been feeling really tired and exhausted since I began to work, but that's not an excuse, I have to earn money at any costs. I cannot put all the burden on Jungkook alone. I've been taking sufficient breaks in between my shifts. Jungkook is already worried about my health all the time so I try my best to hide any uneasiness from him.

"Jennie, One Bloody Mary Cocktail for the Gentleman in the right corner please." I heard Jungkook say bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Coming right in." I shouted back.

After a while I picked up the drink from the kitchen and was on my way to deliver it to the table in the corner.

"Oh JOGHIN!!! What's up ?" I said as I saw the man who had ordered the drink.

"Hey Jennie!! Works been a little hectic but I'm all good. How r u ?" He asked.

"I'm good ig." I replied putting up a fake smile.

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