When they got to the Pokémon Center, Ronnie walked up to give his Noibat a check up. Since he had just been born, Ronnie wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with him.
"Hello!" nurse Joy said as they walked in. "How may i he-"
Her eyes suddenly went wide.
"OKAY, CALM DOWN, NURSE JOY!" Ronnie screamed, annoyed by all the fuss. Nursse joy sweatdropped.
"hehe, hehe," she started saying. "Right. My bad. I just get so excited about newboorns. Can I please hold him?"
"Sure," Ronnie said, handing over the sleeping pokemoon over to nurse Joy.
Joy carefully graabbed Noibat, and gently rocked him in her arms.
"I'm guessing you want me to give him a checkup?"
"Yes please!"
Nurse Joy disappeared though some doors with Noibat in her arms.
"Man, nurse joy really can get worked up over Pokémon," Rex said.
"Yeah," Ronnie replied. "I guess that's what happenss when you love Pokémon."
Nurse Joy came back through the doors empty handed.
"The check might take a while," she said. "You could come back later if you want."
"Um, well, uh, I really don't wan-"
Ronnie stopped talking when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Beverly,mloooking at Ronnie, her eyes saying it was all gonna be alright, that he didn't have to worry about a thing.
"Okay," he finally said. "We'll come back later."
The gang walked out of the Pokémon center and started walking around the town. They walked by a building that had a poster advertising a circus, called "King's Circus of Extraordinary Feats.
"WOW!" James screamed getting closer to the poster. "I love circuses! Can we please go, can we, can we, pleaaaaase?!"
By now, he was tugging at his brother, who was getting very irritated by James' childish tendencies.
"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" he screamed at his brother, then replied in a much more patient tone.
"When and where?"
"Says here it's in Lumiose City, next week," Beverly replied.
"Lumiose is a big city," Cassandra said. "We'll get lost no doubt, even with a map."
"I could take you guys there," Ronnie said.
"Really, you'd do that?" Rex asked.
"Yeah, no problem. Besides, I've been waiting for my egg to hatch so I could go on an adventure. And I've been to Lumiose many times, so I know my way around."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" James said hugging him with inhuman strength. "We can set sails after my Gym battle tomorrow!"
"Can't- breath"
"Right, sorry," James sweatdropped.
"Can we go back too the Pokémon center now" Ronnie asked catching his breath.
As they arrived at the Pokémon Center, nurse Joy saw them, and went through some doors. When she came back, she had Noibat in her arms.
"Noibat!" he screamed in joy when he saw Ronnie, then flew onto Ronnie's head.
"Wow," Ronnie said in surprise as the Pokémon started to rub his head against ronnie's.
"You just witnessed Noibat's first- er, flaps?" nurse Joy said looking unsure. "Yeah, lets go with that."
"That's so cool!" they all said, cause that's how it is in anime. Unrealistic, and they all just happen to say the exact same thing at the exact same time. (#breakingthefourthwall)
"See ya later nurse Joy!" they said as they walked out of the Pokémon Center. (#again)
"Bye! take care!"
A/N Hello there! My deepest apologies for not updating in so long. But school is over now, so I plan in updating much faster.Sorry for giving a short, filler chapter after all of this time. The next will be better, featuring the return of Timothy, and James' gym battle.
Also, I'll let you all in in a little secret. The circus will actually be important.
That's all you get!Don't forget to vote and voice you questions and concerns in the comments, and if you have an idea for an OC, pm me the details. And please inform me of any grammatical mistakes, at all.
I would like to start a poll before I leave. I would love it if you guys voted on my message board, not pm. The question is: "Should Ronnie's rival be another aspiring dragon master, or a Dragon Buster?"
You decide!
Until next time!
Watcher, out!

Kalos Adventures
FanfictionRex Rider is a 15 year old kid that has dreamt of having a Pokémon of his own. Finally the day has come for him to choose his new best friend. His brother and his new friends go along with him on an unforgettable adventure full of excitement. They...