Arriving at Aquacorde Town, the trio spotted a girl of about James age sitting at one of the tables in the plaza. She wore a light blue dress that reached the top of her knees, a light blue and black bow on one side of her hair. She wore black leggings under her dress, with all black converse shoes, which, James thought, was a look only she could pull off. She had shoulder length light brown hair, and light green eyes. She also had a grey side bag, kind of like purse.
When she saw them, she waved them over to the table. When they got there, they noticed a black, cylindrical case on the table. The girl stood up to greet them.
"Hi! My name is Cassandra Belt. Pleasure to meet you!" she said very cheerfully. She stuck out her hand towards James, who was closest.
Rex noticed his brother had spaced out, starring at Cassandra. "You ok, lil bro?" he asked James. James finally snapped out of it.
"Oh, sorry! Um, my name's James," he stuttered shaking her hand nervously. He couldn't help but notice how smooth and silky her hand was. He quickly released her hand before doing anything stupid.
She smiled at him sweetly, then shook Rex's hand, then Beverly's. "Pleasure," Rex said in a gentlemanly manner. "My name is Rex."
"I'm Beverly."
"Nice to meet you all! This is my Pokémon, Mudkip," she said taking out a poké ball and releasing her starter. "Say hi, Mudkip."
"Wow, you're from the Hoenn Region?" James asked surprised. "Yup!" she responded. "Moved here about two weeks ago."
"Cool! We're all from the Hoenn Region, but me and my brother moved here 8 years ago, and Bev here moved yesterday," James explained.
"That's awesome! What are the odds?" Cassandra said. "Oh! I almost forgot. I got three Pokémon here, one for each."
She then released all the Pokémon. "Fennekin!" she said as a red and orange fox-like Pokémon popped out. "Froakie!" A blue frog Pokémon popped up with bubble around its neck like a scarf. "And last, but not least, Chespin!" (A/N Not sure how to describe this one, so just look it up.) "Your pick!"
All three teenagers started at the three Pokémon. Chespin then began walking towards Beverly and nuzzled her leg. "Aw! It's so cute!" she smiled. She picked the Pokémon up and rubbed its head. "I guess you're coming with me." Chespin looked up at her happily, and exclaimed, "Chespin!"
Rex looked at his brother, and his brother at him. They both knew which Pokémon they were gonna choose. Rex crouched in front of the two remaining Pokémon, and looked at the Froakie. "Would you like to come with me, Froakie?" he asked. Froakie's eyes lit up and it jumped onto Rex's arms. "Froakie!" It exclaimed happily from Rex's arms. Fennekin was happy to be with James as it ran towards him. It had sensed his personality and had wanted to go with him since she saw him. James chucked and picked her up. "I'm glad you're happy, because we are stuck with each other forever," he said rubbing the Pokémon's head. "Fennekin," it said in a low voice of delight.
"Well then, looks like you guys are ready to start your adventures," Cassandra said. "Yes we are," Rex said picking up his new poké ball, Beverly and James following in motion. "Are you guys heading towards Santalune City? That's where the first gym is located at, in case you wanna challenge gym leaders across the Kalos Region," Cassandra said. "Well, me and my brother plan on challenging them, but I'm not sure about Beverly," Rex responded. "I'm not sure yet, but we're all headed there anyways. Isn't it the only way to go to other cities anyways?"
"Oh. Yeah, right. I guess we're all headed the same way. You can come with us if you want, Cassandra," Rex suggested. "Yeah! That would be great!" James said quickly. "Um, I-I mean if you want. You know, it's cool..."
Perhaps too quickly.
"Really?! Sure! I mean, if I'm not too much of a bother," she said happily. "No, no, of course not. Right Rex?" James asked. His brother's actions made him chuckle. "Of course not. Plus, I bet Bev would like to have another girl to talk to," Rex said. "That would be great!" Beverly said enthusiastically. "Thank you guys so much!"
With that, the four teenagers made their way towards Santalune City, along with five new friends.

Kalos Adventures
FanfictionRex Rider is a 15 year old kid that has dreamt of having a Pokémon of his own. Finally the day has come for him to choose his new best friend. His brother and his new friends go along with him on an unforgettable adventure full of excitement. They...