The Circus

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"At long last!" James exclaimed as they got to the circus. "I can't belief I'm finally here!"

"Dude, you get way too excited about circus," Ronnie said looking at James with a weirded out face. "It's honestly a little scary."

"He's always been like this," Rex said.

"I still remember that one time we went when we were little," Beverly said.

"Are you serious?" Rex asked slightly surprised. "You still remember that after all these years?"

"Of course I do! I had so much fun that day!"

"Specially when that one kid puked all over James."

They both laughed as James scowled at them.

"Let's just get this over with!" Cassandra said slightly annoyed as everyone looked at her with confused and surprised looks on their faces. "Sorry. I'm just not a big fan of circuses. Specially clowns. Those things are straight up creepy."

"Agreed!" Ronnie said.

James leaned in and whispered to his brother.

"What kind of person doesn't like circuses?!"

"I don't know bro. But if you really like her, then I'm sure it won't be that big of a deal."

"What?! Like?!" James said slightly flustered. "I don't like her!"

"You're such a dork, dude."

"Anyways," Ronnie said. "I'm just gonna go look around, and I'll meet you guys at the show. Cool? Awesome!"

Ronnie then left in hurry with Noibat hanging on for dear life on his head, and got lost in the crowd that had started to form, with kids running here and there, and parents attempting to catch them.

"Why was he so eager to ditch us?" James asked.

"Who knows," Cassandra responded. "Let's just go have fun. He can take care of himself."

"Yeah, let's do that!" Rex responded. "Ferris wheel anyone?!"
"Only two people per cart?" Beverly asked. "How are we gonna divide ourselves?"

"Well," Rex responded. "I can't ride with James. We'd probably kill each other, so I'll just go with you, and James can go with Cassandra."

Beverly caught on to what Rex was doing.

"Ah, yes. Perfect!"

They finally got to the front of the line, and got on the carts. It was a pretty big Ferris wheel, so it would take quite a bit to come back down. Rex and Beverly got on first, and then James and Cassandra got on the next one.

"Those two are totally gonna end up together," Beverly said.

"Definitely," Rex agreed. "If James manages to get past the fact that Cassie doesn't really like circuses."

"Hopefully he doesn't let that get in the way."
Ronnie kept wondering aimlessly through the circus, looking for something that could occupy his time without boring him to death. He had left the group because, at times, he just needed quality time with nobody but himself.

"Oh, Noibat," he said in dismay. "Whatever shall I do?! I'm so bored."

"Noibat!" agreed the Pokémon as he nodded his head.

Ronnie then saw a stand in which, in order to win the prize, he'd have to throw a baseball through an incredibly small hole. It seemed impossible. It would've been impossible. But Ronnie Harper was quite the baseball player.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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